Chapter 13- Maybe A Little Bit More? (Part 1)

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With my sandals neatly placed beside me and my legs crossed. I slowly await for the huge monstrous waves to devour my legs but apparently in this case I didn't get what I wanted. Each fierce wave quickly died down and washed up against my bare feet.

         The cool breeze was more than enough to send thrills through my spine. After a few minutes of inhaling and exhaling heavily, trying to get in as much of the cool atmosphere as possible, I heard faint footsteps. Grabbing my sandals, I began walking in the other direction as quickly as I could.

          "Bella? Don't go please.  . ." I heard Luke say. I never think I've been this relieved in my life before. I stood firm patiently waiting for him to catch up with me. He'd obviously changed his clothes because he was no longer clothed in his semi formal attire. Instead, he was in a casual white V neck T- Shirt and a black jeans. Well, at least I think it's black. I also noticed he had a basket in his hand along with a huge blanket.

        "What's all that for? "I questioned sarcastically. "It's for us. .  . I think it's time for us to talk Bella. " he responded with a heavy sigh.

         "But how did you know I was here? " I asked taking the basket from his hand. He smiled, something that I don't see him do that often.

         "I own this place you know, it's private property, besides I always come here to cool down or find my peace. When I drove off I parked around the other side and sat up there" he explained pointing up ahead at a shack.

         "I saw you sitting here, and I know you were probably upset because of me so I thought I'd make it up to you. Hence, why I have all these."

         Well, at least he knows how to do something right. I laughed uncontrollably for a second as I stood watching him spread out the blanket. "Care to join me princess?" He asked

         " yes of course "

          Some time went by and we were already laughing so hard the echo could be heard from a mile away. "So Uhm I think it's time for me to start talking huh?" Luke asked. "Yes" I responded.


           "Princess, I'm not perfect. I never was and I never will be. I know you're probably wondering what happened at home but Uhm I just couldn't take it anymore. I've watched him lie and pretend as if he's been the prefect father over the years but truth is, he wasn't even a father. A father doesn't rape his son. A father wouldn't leave his child when he/she needs him the most. A father -" I cut him off Instantly placing my index finger over his lips.

       "Luke if you don't want to talk about it, I'll understand" I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

        "Princess I want to. So Uhm yeah. He got my mother pregnant at a young age, he left her when I was 11. After that I kinda went down the wrong path. I met your father, learned he was a mafia leader. I joined his mafia. He kinda took me in as his son you know. Like I said I'm not prefect. I've killed two people but trust me it was worth it. I've done a lot of bad things in my life Bella. I shouldn't even be laying down on this blanket with you right now. Your father doesn't want us to be together, that's why I said you're the forbidden fruit"

         I've never been this speechless in my life before. I'll just pretend he didn't say my father was a mafia leader. Laying on this blanket with him on the beach, listening to him telling me about him. The real him was just. . . Remarkable.

           I'm pretty sure I fell asleep for a few minutes after being wrapped up in his arms. I gazed at the stars, with them being the only source of light. Isn't this prefect? Just us, on the beach with nothing around us but nature?

        "Bella, I -I" I turned around facing him.

    "You what?"

" I think I'm in love, well I know I'm in love...with you. I don't know how we're going to do this or what you'll respond saying but Bella Adams I love you. You're the only person that's giving me purpose right now. You're my only source of motivation, if it weren't for you, I'd lose myself a long time ago. I know I'm not prefect and I've hurt you so much in the past, but you're the only person I can show the real me. People always tend to think I'm the strong one who has giant walls built up around him. But now you see, all it took was one strong minded not to mention beautiful woman to break those walls down and see the real me. The real Luke Hennings. The Luke Hennings that struggles to find his purpose in a daily basis. The Luke Hennings that keeps on telling himself it's not his fault. He had nothing to do with being raped. But now, here I am telling you all about me, and I've never -"

        I pressed my lips against his shutting him up. Slowly tugging on his bottom lip I requested entry which he later gave to me, allowing us to make love to each others mouths. I ran my hand through his hair while another hand was pressed against his chest. One simple kiss, dismissed every wrong thought about him.

          I felt his hand slowly unzip the back of my dress. A part of me wanted to stop him but I couldn't. I wanted it more than I thought I did. Seconds later, my dress was tossed aside and my breasts were being caressed by his soft hands.

       Never in my life did I  imagine anything like this. Having sex on the beach. Well at least that's what's about to go down right?

         "Bella?" I heard Luke call bringing me back to reality. "You want me to stop?"

      " No... "

      "Laying down on my back, I began to pant heavily. I knew what was about to happen next. I could feel him trail kisses down my body. A kiss on my left breast. A kiss on my right breast. Then wet kisses down to my stomach, my navel.  He paused for a moment, removing my panties until he kissed my sex. . .

        He hovered over my body before taking his shirt off exposing his muscular chest. "Don't cum until I tell you to" he whispered spreading my legs apart .

    How can he say that?

       All thoughts were instantly dismissed when I felt his tongue trail along my clit. "Luke" I moaned grabbing a few strands of his hair. He continued,  gently tugging on my clit allowing me to moan even louder.

          Constantly flicking his tongue against my clit, he inserted a finger inside me. "Oh God" I managed to say. I haven't felt anything this good in a long while. After a while, he withdrew his finger and replaced it with his tongue. I swear if he continues like this I'm gonna cum.

          Rubbing my clit while constantly licking my sex, I knew for a fact my orgasm was close. "Luke I'm cumming" I moaned gripping strands of his hair even tighter . I guess that was his signal. He picked up his paste, moved back up to my clit and inserted  two fingers. At that point, I couldn't hold it in any longer. My vision became blurry, my legs began to shake. I thought he'd stop but he didn't. Instead he continued even when I begged him to stop licking which even lead to a second orgasm a few seconds after the first.

         I laid there, unable to move. Breathing heavily I heard him chuckle. "I told you not to cum-" I cut him off instantly. "You were licking the right places I couldn't help it. " I said.

        I sat up and pressed my lips against his while unbuckling his pants. Within a minute it was tossed aside. I sat on him and began to dry hump while placing gentle kisses down his neck. I could feel his hard member against my wet cunt so I paused, and removed his boxers.

       "We can't Bella" he explained leaving me In a complete state of dismay.

     "What do you mean by we can't?" I questioned

   " We can't have sex. I did not come here with the intention to have sex with you. I don't have a condom "

          "Okay" I responded searching for my clothes .

    " You want me to drive you back to mom's house? " he asked

     "No it's fine I'll walk" I was too disappointed to drive in the same car as him but honestly, I don't blame him. He's right.

          By the time I arrived at jodie's house the mess was cleaned up and Nick was long gone.

A/n- This chapter has a part 2 so get ready

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