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It was the next day

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It was the next day. Ned, Peter, and Juno were seated up on the bleachers with the rest of their fourth period class. This block was gym class — also known as the class where MJ faked constant injuries to avoid the ugly yellow, white, and blue uniforms. She often went to the library during this class. Fourth block gym class was a mixture of all grades. This meant that even Liz Allan was here. 

Peter was feeling better today. Ned was still curious about his best pal being the crime fighting spider. Juno sighed. She never had to do gym class at her old school. They were all smushed together on the wooden bleachers as Coach Wilson inserted a work out disc into the old television's dvd player.

"Hi. I'm Captain America. Whether you're in the classroom or on the battlefield. . ." 

Ned whispered in Peter's ear, just loudly enough that Juno could hear him. "Do you know him too?" Peter shrugged.

"Yeah, we met."

Juno groaned. "He's so hot."

"He's also like 100 years old," Ned snorted. 

Juno rolled her eyes. "Your point?"

". . .Fitness can be the difference between success or failure. . ."

"I stole his shield," Peter bragged.

"What?!" Juno and Ned whisper yelled. They got a few dirty looks.

". . .Today, my good friend, your gym teacher will conduct the Captain America Fitness Challenge. . ."

Coach Wilson paused the dvd. "Thank you, Captain," he fake saluted. His body posture and movement dripping with sarcasm. "Pretty sure he's a war criminal, but I have to show these videos. It's required by the state, so let's do it. Break off in your usual pairings. New girl, you're going to be partners with Liz today since Clara is still out sick."

Juno nodded. She made eye contact with Liz who gave her a warm smile. She turned back to Ned and Peter. "Who's Clara?"

"She's my lab partner," Peter shrugged. "Remember? You took her seat?"

"Juno's replacing Clara," Ned chuckled.

"Oh well," Peter shrugged.

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