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"Michelle, you coming?" Juno asked

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"Michelle, you coming?" Juno asked.

It was a few hours later. A few hours after Michelle came back, a few hours after dinner, a few hours after they almost kissed. It was late. Mr. Harrington made them go to their rooms at 8 PM. He wanted them to sleep before their big agenda the next day. Yet, Liz sent out a text to meet at the pool at 9 and swim until 10.

"No thanks," Michelle responded. "I'll cover for you if you accidentally get caught though."

"Alright, well thanks, girl!"

"No problem. I'm gonna take another shower."

Michelle went into the bathroom. Her phone vibrated and she saw that Ned was already there. Juno smiled and threw her towel over her shoulder. She had her room key in her hand as she exited the room and shut the door quietly.

When she exited the room, she saw someone leaving Ned and Peter's room. They were wearing a dark hoodie and had a dark bag with them. Juno didn't hesitate. She ran after them, kicked behind their knee, and threw them on the ground. She turned them over and pressed her knee to their abdomen.

"Stop robbing people, you asshole!" Juno got up as soon as she saw who it was. "Pete?!"

"Shhh!" He hushed. He pulled her back into his room. "What the heck, Juno?"

"I thought someone was robbing your room!"

"How are you that strong?" He winced, rubbing his stomach where Juno kneed him.

She shrugged. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on?"

"Why are you in a swimsuit?" He asked. His eyes couldn't help but scan her up and down.

She threw her hands in the air. "Swimming? Duh!" Juno shook her head. "What's with the outfit? Where were you going?"

"To stop bad guys?"

"To what?!"

yeah im splitting this in to two parts because it would be long if it were the full thing hehe

i prewrote so many chapters

i prewrote so many chapters

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