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Getting wasted on a school night wasn't Juno's best intentions

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Getting wasted on a school night wasn't Juno's best intentions. She woke up the next day with a killer headache. Her first action was running to the toilet and vomiting. She turned the lights down and closed the blinds.

Thankfully, today wasn't going to be too bad. It was the day that the decathlon team would drive down to Washington D.C. for nationals. That was something her hangover could handle. What she couldn't handle was being without Peter for a few days, whether she wanted to admit it or not.

The spiderling was growing on her. Peter was sweet, and when she embraced him outside the Thai restaurant, she couldn't help but feel something. Yet, Juno Delacruz insisted that she did not have feelings. One of the reasons being his affection for Liz. Another was because they were close friends, and she did not want to ruin that.

Juno hauled her luggage and duffle bag to the back of the school bus where the bus driver was loading. She then went and stood with Michelle and Ned. Michelle opened her bag and gave Juno something tiny.

"Advil?" She offered. "You must be dying."

"MJ," Juno sighed, pushing her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose. "I love you." She took the pill. "Thanks for making sure I got home, Ned."

"It was honestly no prob–"

"Hey, it's Peter!" MJ cut him off.

Juno perked up. "Pete?" Her day was certainly looking up now.

"Hey guys," Peter greeted. "I was hoping I could rejoin the team."

Flash pushed through his teammates. "No, no way. You can't quit on us, stroll up, and be welcomed back by everyone!"

"Hey, welcome back!" Smiled Mr. Harrington. "Flash, you're back to first alternate."

"Everyone needs to shut up before I throw things," Juno growled quietly.

MJ heard her. "Excuse me, can we go already?" She asked Mr. Harrington. "I was hoping to get in some protesting in front of an embassy before dinner."

Mr. Harrington nodded. "Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus."

Juno got in a seat towards the back. The plan was to chill out a little bit — get some sleep, eat, go on your phones. Then, Liz would lead practice rounds for the last thirty minutes of the bus ride. MJ sat across from Juno. Ned was behind her.

"Is this seat taken?" 

She looked up and saw Peter. Juno scooted in. He sat next to her and smiled. She flinched a little when their hands accidentally touched. 

"Why didn't you just sit across from Ned?" MJ asked.

"Penis Parker and Juno sitting in a school bus–"

"Suck my dick, Flash," Juno hissed.

She put her head on Peter's shoulder, taking him by surprise. He just smiled at the girl who began to doze off. Peter wasn't sure what was happening. Do I like Juno? Does Juno like me? No, I'm delusional. Peter brushed off his curiosity and allowed her to sleep on him. The bus began moving, and the gang made their way to Washington.

this was going to be fluffier but im actually so sleep deprived. double update today though woo...

also completely ignore the fact that i skipped an entire day where peter and ned stalk the bad guys im too lazy oops

i have up until chapter 16 of this book planned and im trying to finish up to 16 before marching band starts so fingers crossed

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