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"I'm 100% sure that we shouldn't be here right now

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"I'm 100% sure that we shouldn't be here right now."

"I'm 100% sure that I know what I'm doing, Juno."

"Horton hears a bitch ass liar."

"Horton is correct."

Juno untied the rope that held her and Peter together then placed it into his backpack. Peter walked up to the gates and scanned his thumb print. The gates opened up, and the two walked in to the front doors. Peter led her to the side of the building, grabbed her by the waist, then webbed them up onto a small deck.

Peter tapped on the screen doors. Immediately, a figure dragged themselves to the door. Juno gulped. The door opened.

"Kid, it's literally 1:00 A.M. Come back at a godly hour." The screen door went to close again, but Peter stuck his foot between the door and latch. He pulled the door open again.

"M-Mr. Stark," Peter gulped. "This is Juno, and she needs help."

"This literally could've waited," Juno snarled at him. She couldn't believe that she was standing in front of the Tony Stark. Unfortunately, when she scolded Peter, her eyes glowed purple and one of Tony's suit's flew in and crashed on the floor.

"Did you do that?" Tony's bloodshot eyes looked at Juno. He was so exhausted that he thought his eyes were deceiving him.

She shrugged. "I think so?" Juno flashed him a small smile.

Another figure got up from the bed and groaned. It was a lady, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark's wife. "I'm going to make coffee downstairs." She put on a white robe and rubbed her eyes, heading out the door.

Tony grabbed Juno by the shoulders and looked her deep in the eyes. He was fascinated by the deep purple fading back into brown. Juno held her breath.

The man sighed and released his grasp. He then asked both the teens to step inside. Tony pulled Peter aside as Juno waited near the door. 

"Peter, I'm not Banner, okay. I don't know what to do," He whispered. Tony put his hand on the kid's shoulder.

"Mr. Stark, all due respect, but you helped me keep all the weird spider stuff under control. When I was scared, you helped me. When I couldn't control myself, you helped me." Peter sighed and looked Tony dead in the eye. "You can figure it out."


"Mr. Stark, please," Peter begged. "I-I really like this girl and would prefer it if she's safe."

"You like her, eh?" Tony smiled. 

"I can hear both of you morons," Juno retorted. 

Tony turned to her. "Well then let's get you checked out, shall we?"

"Really?" Peter smiled.

Tony rolled his eyes and smiled a little bit. "Do I have a choice? To the lab, little lovebirds!"

"Little lovebirds? Juno snickered.

"Please don't attack me, it's 1:30 in the morning, and I'm a barely functioning father who isn't a father but really is one but isn't and wants to be one."

Juno rose an eyebrow at him. "Dude, are you okay?"

"Nope," Tony sighed. While leading them to the lab, he muttered under his breath, "You make one metal suit in the desert, and suddenly get pulled into random freak duties years later! Maybe I should've pulled a Clint and got a secret farmhouse!"

"Pete, is he okay?" Juno whispered.

"Well, considering the fact that he's laughing hysterically," Peter paused. "No."

im tired its 1:54 am why am i up omg this chapter is actually ugly oops sorry

i lowkey wrote tony as me i am tony rn...

thanks for 900 votes!

thanks for 900 votes!

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