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"House party in the suburbs!" May exclaimed

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"House party in the suburbs!" May exclaimed. "Oh, I remember these," she reminisced. "Kind of jealous."

The gang was piled in May's car. Peter rode shot gun while Juno and Ned sat in the back. That afternoon, Juno's driver took them to her place where they got to see the Delacruz Property. She told them to wait in the car while she changed her outfit. The girl came back ten minutes later in dark skinny jeans, a black tank top, and a jean jacket. In her hands were snack bags of potato chips. There were bottles of water in the limousine. Ned and Peter were freaking out and feeling like royalty. They then went back to Peter's apartment where they spent the rest of their afternoon.

The vehicle pulled up on the dark, crowded street. There were cars parked up and down the street and teenagers running around making stupid decisions. It was a big neighborhood with only about three houses on each street, each the size of the White House.

"It'll be a night to remember," Ned told May.

She parked the car, turned around and faced Ned. "Ned, some hats wear men," she paused. "You wear that hat."

"Yeah, it gives me confidence."

"This was a mistake," Peter whispered.

"Sorry, Pete? Speak up," Juno urged.

"Let's just go home," he begged.

"Oh, Peter," May started. "I know. I know it's really hard. . ."

"Oh God," Juno face palmed in the backseat.

". . .Trying to fit in with all the changes your body's going through."

Juno chuckled, "It's flowering now." Peter made a disgusted face, causing her to laugh even more. "He's so stressed out lately!"

"What helps with stress is a party," May said.

"Agreed," Ned nodded. "We should go to the party."

"Yeah, let's do it," Juno agreed. Ned got out of the car. "I'm gonna go. Pete? We'll wait outside." She followed Ned out.

"Are you gonna follow your friends?" May asked.

"I guess so," he shrugged. Peter opened the car door and got out.

May grinned at him. "Have fun okay?"

"I will," he assured her. "Bye, May."

He closed the door. Juno and Ned were standing at the top of the stairs on the walkway to the house. Peter jogged there to catch up with them. Ned just told Juno a joke, making her laugh a little bit. Ned saw Peter approaching.

"Dude, you have the suit, right?" Ned asked.

"Yeah." Peter lifted his sleeve and showed the red spandex material around his arm.

"You two are morons," Juno sighed.

"This is going to change our lives!"

The three made it to the door. Peter held the door open for Ned and Juno, then went in himself. Inside was crazy. For a school night, the scene was wild and colorful. People were swimming in the backyard, Flash was deejaying, and drinks were scattered all around. Juno took her jacket off and hung it on the coat rack.

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