⌜ twelve ⌟

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jaemin frowned as he watched his friend just sitting down at the sofa in the living room, spacing out

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jaemin frowned as he watched his friend just sitting down at the sofa in the living room, spacing out.

donghyuck?❞ he called the guy

the said guy didn't respond. not even a hum or a nod. his actions made jaemin worried.

the food is ready.❞ jaemin walked and crouched down in front of the guy. he showed him a smile, making donghyuck snap out from his thoughts.


jaemin sat next to his friend ❝anything wrong?

everything is wrong. he regretted everything. he's with lucas and mark is with koeun, that is wrong.

no, everything is fine.❞ donghyuck forced a smile

jaemin wasn't going to fall for that line. he knew something was up, but didn't want to ask what. donghyuck didn't want to share and jaemin respects that.

let's eat.❞ jaemin pulled donghyuck away from the sofa

donghyuck looked around the room ❝where's chenle?

jaemin sighed ❝jisung park.

that wasn't the answer donghyuck was expecting but he clearly understood it. ❝even on saturdays?

jisung called him this morning. you were too busy spacing out that you didn't even notice him ran out of the house.❞ jaemin giggled and passed donghyuck the bowl of rice.

donghyuck hummed as a response and started eating his food.

jaemin didn't want see his friend sad so he thought of something ❝want to visit a nursery or a day care?

jaemin knew how much donghyuck loves kids. what he didn't know is that hearing those words made him remember his son, chan.

but he had enough of being like a depressed shit ❝sure, let's go.

seeing donghyuck finally smile made jaemin brighten up ❝we could bring yukhei with us.

donghyuck was excited. he had always wanted to see yukhei being with kids. he could imagine yukhei being a good father. imagining that made him smile.

yukhei makes you smile so wide.❞ jaemin rolled his eyes ❝i'm just here to remind you that we'll all die anyways.

donghyuck laughed, making him choke on his food and slap jaemin by the arm. it was jaemin's turn to laugh when he saw donghyuck in pain. but he didn't wait for a minute and gave donghyuck a glass of water, still laughing.

jaemin stood up from the chair and went to the living room to get his phone while donghyuck was still calming down.

he dialed yukhei's number and placed his phone on his ear, waiting for the older to pick up.

after seconds of waiting, he could now hear shuffling from the line.

"you called?" yukhei said

jaemin leaned from the kitchen counter and watched donghyuck drinking the glass of water ❝wanna hang out with us?

"hm where?" jaemin could hear the sound of the keys.

jaemin furrowed his brows ❝are you going somewhere?

yukhei giggled "yeah, but i could catch up with you guys if you want."

jaemin walked away from the kitchen, he didn't want donghyuck to hear their conversation. ❝does donghyuck knows about you going somewhere?

yukhei closed the door from his house and locked it before leaving "he doesn't need to know where."

he's your boyfriend.❞ jaemin held back his anger

"yeah i know. just tell him i'm busy." yukhei laughed "don't worry, i'm not going to a bar and do something illegal."


"bye." yukhei said with a smile before ending the call and is now focusing to where he's walking.

jaemin sighed and placed his phone at the coffee table in the middle of the living room. he went to the kitchen, pulling out a smile so that donghyuck won't think that something's wrong.

is he coming?❞ donghyuck questioned, now eating his fried chicken

jaemin slowly shook his head as a no and sat down in front of donghyuck ❝he's busy.

donghyuck's face fell ❝oh.❞ but that wasn't going let him be down the whole day. ❝it's ok, at least i have you.

jaemin faked a cry and hugged donghyuck ❝what did i do to deserve you.

donghyuck giggled ❝stop it.


yukhei knocked the door twice before someone opened it a minute after.

seeing the guy made yukhei smile.

wanna hang out?

the guy leaned from the door and showed a smile that can make anyone go uwu. ❝don't you have somewhere to go?

yukhei shrugged ❝i'm completely available today.

jungwoo squinted his eyes, not believing the tall guy standing outside his house ❝so?

let's go out.

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