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"How long are you guys getting off for Christmas?" the blond asked, snuggling deeper into the warmth of the duvet. He reached towards the other man, wrapping his arm around the brunet's waist.

"Two weeks," replied Seungcheol, slipping under the covers and shifting so he could lie down next to the younger, "What about you?"

Jeonghan moved closer so his head was resting on Seungcheol's chest. "The same. Are you going home to visit your family?" Absentmindedly, he played with the edge of the older man's shirt before slipping his hand under and tracing the prominent lines of his abdominal muscles. Seungcheol shivered at the touch.

"Yeah. . ." Seungcheol trailed off, twirling his finger around Jeonghan's bleached blond locks, "But only for a little bit. Maybe like five days or so."

"I don't think I'm gonna go home," Jeonghan mumbled, moving his hand across to the brunet's back and letting it rest there, stroking lightly, "My parents probably won't be there anyways."

Seungcheol nodded in understanding. He knew that Jeonghan's parents were always out and about and that the blond didn't get to see them much. He also knew that the younger didn't have a very good relationship with his parents because, after all, Jeonghan had been their only child and he hadn't done the things they'd wanted him to.

"Why don't you come with me?" Seungcheol suggested suddenly, the idea seeming perfectly fine to him. He was sure his parents wouldn't mind Jeonghan being there.


Seungcheol sat up, Jeonghan following, and pulled the blond close to him so he was basically sitting on the older's lap. "Seriously," the brunet spoke quietly, close to his ear so Jeonghan could feel his warm breath ticking him, "Come home with me, my parents can finally meet you and you won't have to be alone. Then we can even spend the rest of the holidays together. . . if you want to."

Jeonghan turned around to face him, his hands placed on Seungcheol's shoulders, knees on either side of his legs and noses close. "Of course I want to!" he exclaimed, tilting his head slightly and pressing his lips to the older boy's, using his hands to Cup his face.

Seungcheol melted under Jeonghan's touch, giving in to the blissful feeling of the soft, slightly chapped lips against his (Jeonghan had a terrible habit of biting the skin of his lips). He wrapped his arms loosely around Jeonghan's waist and pulled him forward so he could deepen the kiss, his tongue tracing the singer's bottom lip.

Jeonghan loved every minute he spent with Seungcheol. He loved the rush he felt through is entire body, the passion that coursed through his veins, the immense love that came with every moment they shared.

Moving his hands from Seungcheol's face, Jeonghan wrapped his arms around the older's neck and pressed himself closer to him, if that was even possible. He allowed himself to get lost in his lover's embrace.

They pulled away for air but no later than a second, they became one once again and let every thought from their mind fall away till it was just the two of them left alone with their feelings.

"I love you," Jeonghan let out breathlessly, resting his forehead against Seungcheol's, his arms still around him. The couple had only exchanged the words recently and it'd been one of the most terrifying, memorable moments of Jeonghan's life. He'd been so scared to say it even though he was so sure that he felt it, he'd known for so long that he was in love with the rapper that it drove him crazy every time the words almost slipped from his mouth and when it finally did, he'd been so afraid of not receiving it back.

He'd laughed at himself for it afterwards, it was so blatantly obvious to everyone that the two were in love with each other, everyone but the couple themselves - at least not until they'd actually said it aloud.

"And I love you."



okay firstly, I just wanted to say that this is 666 words.

I'm sorry it's so short but i really liked it as it was. I didn't think there was anything more i needed to add but I'll definitely have more jeongcheol full chapters of their time off together.

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