It was extremely early in the morning after the drama that had occurred the night before and Kyla had woken, gotten dressed into a dark blue bikini outlined in white and was lying out on the terrace, thinking everything over that had happened since she had entered the Villa. She had sun glasses on covering her bloodshot eyes after not sleeping a wink and refusing to cry out of frustration, those two single lines that Megan had said was causing Kyla to rethink her whole idea of entering Love Island. She knew she wasn't good enough for anyone, that was all her ex boyfriend drilled into her throughout their relationship, he emotionally abused her, which she was ashamed to admit for never realising it until her co worker saw them arguing and over heard what her then boyfriend had said, that's why she had been single for four years, it was because she was afraid to trust someone who was suppose to love her, but after that how was she suppose to put her trust out there? She was afraid every guy would be the same and it would end up in heart break and tears, for that breakup was the worst. She knew she didn't deserve love and happiness, she was aware after Joy died for she felt in that moment she never would truly be happy, for she no longer had her best friend by her side who loved her through thick and thin, through the sweat and tears that had occurred over the years, but yet Joy was the one to show her unconditional love even though it was friendship based.
Kyla sighed wiping the tears that had managed to escape her eyes, she didn't know why the words affected her as much as they did. Maybe it was the fact that she knew Alex deserved better, that he deserved someone as pretty as Megan, who could make him laugh more, or even give him everything he wanted. Kyla thought to herself, maybe that she should just leave the Villa return to Northern Ireland and go back to teaching living a single life, she knew her mother wouldn't be happy but in the end it was her choice, but she couldn't force herself to go the diary room and admit those words. The reason why was because of how she felt for Alex, they were strong feelings that she had never felt before, and she knew that she was slowly falling for him, for how couldn't she? He was handsome, quirky, funny, cute and the best was he was smart and could hold an intellectual conversation with her. He knew the right to say when anyone was upset and how to cheer everyone up when they needed, it was a special trait of his, even though he didn't know the difference between flossing and twerking. Kyla knew she had a smile on her face, for even the thought of Alex made her stomach weak as butterflies filled it, it was a weird feeling spreading through her body, it was like all her nerves were going off at once spreading a loving feeling in her heart. Kyla closed her eyes as she thought, would Alex re-couple with someone if she left? Would he leave the Villa for her or was his feelings not the same? Kyla reopened her eyes when she heard shuffling about in the kitchen knowing someone was awake, however instead of moving she stayed where she was closing her eyes letting her thoughts consume her, she never made a noise wanting peace and quiet, she wasn't looking forward to the day ahead knowing Megan would be there, Kyla also felt terrible as she had been wearing Laura's top the previous night, she had apologised endlessly but Laura laughed it off rather caring for Kyla's feelings than her top.
Kyla couldn't believe how supportive everyone was last night, Alex and the boys especially for they couldn't understand why Megan had poured the drink over Kyla, it just didn't make sense and what was worse was the fact Samira who Kyla had bonded with had turned against her for Megan. Kyla couldn't just understand what had happened, it wasn't like she had went and called her every name under the sun, yes she did ask was she a mug but her tactics for Alex were muggy but yet calling her an effing cow was the draw. Dani and Georgia bless their hearts had tried to give Megan a piece of their minds when they found Kyla tearing up in Alex's arms but she had said not to, for it wouldn't help the situation, and that was the one thing she had learned from dealing with these things as a teacher, getting other people involved in your business doesn't help the situation, in fact it makes it worse.
Summer of Love | Love Island 2018 | *UNDER RECONSTRUCTUION*
RomanceWhen the new girl struts into the villa with a new batch of confidence after being brutally dumped by her ex, can she find 'the one' or will she be sent home by the public for failing to make a connection?