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Kyla woke up the next morning to find the other half of the couch empty, which was a bit of a shock since she knew how hard it was to wake Sam up. She got out of her makeshift bed and stretched before grabbing her microphone and placing it over her head, while she began to make her way up stairs. She entered the makeup room to find it completely empty with no other islander in sight, making her stop for a moment glancing around, before shrugging to herself, maybe she slept later than she thought. She looked through her clothes until she found a bikini, she had managed to find a navy and white striped top and bottom. She filled in her eyebrows, before deciding what to do with her hair, she quickly split it down the middle before dutch plaiting either side. She slipped her feet into a pair of white sliders, before heading to the bathroom and brushing her teeth. 

She was still wary over the fact she hadn't seen anybody since last night, as she made her way out into the garden there was not a noise to be heard which worried Kyla a little as usually you could hear Wes' laughter throughout the Villa as well as Jack's. She finally entered the kitchen to see Alex dishing up two plates of food, Kyla looked around and saw the entire garden was completely empty which surprised her, what had Alex done?

"Morning." Kyla said cautiously making her way over to the bench as Alex looked to her.

"Morning." Alex replied before finishing the final touches on the breakfast he and the lads had prepared for Kyla and himself, and by helping he really meant eating it. He picked up the two plates and headed over to the table, he nodded his head for Kyla to follow. She sat down opposite him looking at the breakfast, she wasn't going to lie it smelt bloody delicious. 

"What's all this for?" Kyla asked taking a bite of her bacon, with a raised eyebrow.

"I meant everything I said last night and me making it up to you begins with this breakfast." Alex said before digging in, the both of them talking away about random things, it wasn't until they had finished breakfast that Kyla realised Alex was still the only person she had seen.

"Alex?" Kyla questioned as he raised his head to look at her.


"Where is everyone?" Kyla asked motioning around them with a confused face.

"Oh I asked them to stay on the terrace when we ate breakfast, the boys helped me make it while the girls tidied around." Alex replied looking up to the terrace where the rest were watching them with huge smiles on their faces, Kyla waved to them awkwardly before turning back to Alex who had started to take her dishes and bring them over to the sink,  she sat there for a few moments just taking everything in as the rest of the islanders began to flood in to their destinations for the day.


The islanders were lounging around as usual as there was very little things to do in the villa, Alex was with Kyla talking about a numerous of things like what their life would entail if they were to make it official and how things would work on the outside of the Villa, as they were fully committed to making it work, however Alex still had work to do on winning her back.

"The big elephant in the room I think we need to address is living arrangements." Kyla started as her and Alex were essentially living in different provinces of the United Kingdom.

"I've been thinking of moving away from London, if you didn't want to move, I'm more than happy to move to Northern Ireland, for it's a lot like Wales in size." Alex said holding her hand as they had took rest on a day bed under the shade, the sun was quite strong that day and both were being to look like tomatoes due to their pale skin and Alex's medication affected his skin.

"Are you sure? For I don't want to impose on your life, you having to leave your family and friends is a huge thing Alex, and I wouldn't want you to make that decision just for me." Kyla replied sighing she knew coming to the Villa was frustrating as she figured she would be the only Northern Irish person and sacrifices would have to be made.

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