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The next morning was a weird one to say the least, after sharing a bed outside with the girls, Kyla was extremely happy to wake up back in Alex's arms. She smiled to herself as she saw he was still asleep, she had woken up before the lights had turned on meaning the majority of the islanders were still asleep. She began tracing her fingers lightly over his chest before placing little kisses every now and again, before she stopped when she felt him shift. She watched him for a while, she honestly couldn't believe how amazing their journey had been so far, yes they had their ups and downs but who doesn't? It was unusual for her if she had to say it, normally when she got the feels she would always begin to put her walls up afraid of being hurt. Eoin was the first man besides Craig she had truly opened up to, for it was his hypnotic brown eyes that made her feel so warm and safe. When she looked into them she thought he cared, she thought he was kind hearted, the one even but in the end he turned out to be a completely different person than what she had fallen in love with.

"You're staring." Alex said scaring Kyla as she hadn't realised he had wakened although when she glanced up to meet his eyes he hadn't opened them.

"Am not." Kyla replied with a smirk as Alex opened his eyes showing off his his bright blue eyes, Kyla when looking into them just had a feeling things would work out in the end, for those eyes were trusting and she knew he wouldn't hurt her, again. 

"It's weird." Alex replied pulling her closer into his chest as the lights flickered on, groans spread out through the room as the islanders protested in getting up to start their day. 

"I am weird." Kyla relied with a little smile, Alex honestly didn't think he could get any luckier, the girl he fancied so much was lying wrapped up in his arms, looking so adorable in her over-sized grey hoodie, her hair in a messy bun with sleepy eyes. He leaned in giving her a small kiss which was interrupted by Jack crawling up in between them.

"Jack for God sake!" Alex exclaimed with a smile on his face, as Kyla laughed hugging Jack from behind as he had curled himself up into Alex's arms. Alex couldn't deny the man a hug, as his arms wrapped around him, Kyla pouted before deciding to leave the two of them alone to get ready. She jumped up from her bed and began heading up the stairs to get ready for the day,  she quickly got a shower before changing into her pale blue bikini before curling her hair for a change, she quickly filled in her eyebrows before grabbing a hat and making her way down the stairs. She smiled at the boys who were still lying around before she made her way to the bean bags where Georgia was sitting by herself.

"Hey G, how's you?" Kyla asked quietly watching her as she seemed quite off that morning, not surprisingly after last night. Kyla couldn't really say she expected anything less as she had a feeling something like this would happen, that's why she had suggested getting to know Sam but as it seems he fancied Ellie, well he says that but Kyla knew different.

"I think I'm okay Ky." Georgia replied after a while, they both were facing the mountains over the swimming pool. Kyla looked to Georgia who had her sun glasses on to hide her eyes, but Kyla knew they would be glossy, there was no way her emotions would be bottled up for long, none can keep their emotions under wrapped, it only takes something so small to let them erupt.

"All right, if you ever want to talk-" Kyla had began saying as Georgia cut her off with a nod and a smile not needing to hear the words, she knew Kyla would always be there for her, have her back through anything and it was that being said, they sat there in peace and quiet before Alex came over for a chat. Kyla had began to think before he came over, about how Georgia's situation was quite similar to her own with Eoin, after all he had another girl on the side towards the end of their relationship if you could even call it that. She had succeed in managing to keep herself and Alex as far away as possible, for Lord knows she didn't need a confrontation between the two of them. She knew if she warned Laura she wouldn't believe her, that she was jealous that he choose her, Kyla could have laughed hysterically thinking of that conversation. In all honesty she couldn't care less if he slipped in the pool and broke something meaning he had to leave, in fact she would welcome the opportunity with open arms if it meant the tension she felt in the air between everyone would be clear. Everyone was tensed over this situation for they were waiting for someone to make the wrong move or to say something, it just would be when was the main issue.

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