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Kyla had woken up early to get ready before the rest of the girls as she was trying to avoid everyone that day, she was currently in the shower standing looking at the wall in-front of her, as her mind whirled through her thoughts, she quickly grabbed her body-wash that smelt of roses before lathering it up on her body. She quickly rinsed it off before washing her hair, she quickly grabbed her towel before exiting the shower, she entered one of the separate toilets they had and quickly locked the door, she dried off before changing into her little burgundy bikini before exiting.  As she came back down the stairs she quickly tied up her things in the living room, making the couch usable again, she moved quickly and effortless through the bedroom of sleeping islanders, as she made her way put into the kitchen she was shocked to see Alex sitting there with his back to her, holding a cup of tea looking at the view from the Villa.

Kyla slowly made her way towards the kettle and began making herself one, as she poured the hot water in, she began to think maybe she was in the wrong last night, I mean who was she to say that he wasn't allowed to crack on with other girls, I mean it's not like they were relationship status official, however that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less. She was torn with herself before she decided to grow a pair and make her way over to Alex, she walked around the table and took the set directly in-front of him, his gaze had followed her since she entered his view, and by one look at her he could tell she was like him and hadn't slept one bit.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I acted last night, it wasn't fair on you as you were following your intentions, however I'm not going to take anything I said back for personally I think it is true. You did hurt me Alex, but as we're stuck in this Villa with no where else to go, I thought we could at least be civil towards each other for the sake of the Villa?" Kyla asked raising an eyebrow at him taking a sip of her tea. Alex took a few moments to let everything she had said sink in, and it was in that moment he realised how true and generous Kyla was, for there she was sitting in front of him giving him the benefit of the doubt after he mugged her off? He couldn't believe how much courage and empathy this girl had.

"Kyla honestly, I am so sorry for the way things played out. Trust me in every way I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did. I appreciate your apology but it wasn't needed you weren't in the wrong I was and I will never be able to forgive myself for the way I hurt you. If anything instead of civil can we be friends?" Alex asked with a small light of hope in his eyes, Kyla could see the generosity in them and how he had beat himself up over the argument. 

"Friends." Kyla replied holding her hand out and him shaking it, Kyla looked to his cup of tea and saw it barely touched, she smiled to herself grabbing the mug and began to make him a new one, Alex shook his head smiling to himself. 

The rest of the Islanders came out and stood at the kitchen shocked to see Kyla and Alex there at the table laughing away, they slowly approached the table cautious of what was happening, Ellie sat down right next to Alex placing a hand over his arm, he quickly took his attention of Kyla for a moment.

"Oh morning." Alex said looking around at the rest of the islanders, Kyla had got up and made room for the Georgia who gave her a curious look. 

"Who wants breakfast?" Kyla asked watching as they all nodded, she quickly jumped up and headed to the kitchen to cook breakfast for them, Georgia had gotten up to help as well, however most knew she wanted to know the truth like the majority of them. 

"Babes what happened?" Georgia asked getting the plates out of the cupboard.

"Nothing I decided that instead of having tension between us and making it awkward for the rest of the villa, that we would be friends." Kyla replied shrugging frying the bacon and scrabbled eggs, Kyla was the best at making a cooked breakfast for it was her specialty due to her cooking a traditional Ulster Fry. They served up breakfast and ate talking away, it wasn't long before they had cleared up and had went there separate ways, Kyla had made her way down to the bean bags and sunk down into one with her water bottle in hand, she placed it beside her with her sunglasses on and she watched the view as Georgia and Dani had gone off with their men, the most of the islanders had and Kyla didn't want to interrupt. Kyla could see Alex and Ellie on the day bed talking however it seemed quite tense, her stare was cut off as someone plonked themselves down opposite her. 

Summer of Love | Love Island 2018 | *UNDER RECONSTRUCTUION*Where stories live. Discover now