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I dragged the last of the suitcases downstairs , I'm actually really excited! Maybe I could enjoy myself this summer. A car horn sounded from outside so I looked out if the porch window and saw James leaning against the side of the car with his hands in his pockets and the sunlight reflected of him and his eyes- yeah and Brad, Conor and Tris were in the car jumping up and down and climbing across the seats listening to the music blurring from the radio. I laughed and helped James put the suitcases in the car, I'm glad there's no tension between us since last night I don't want to hurt him.
"Are you excited or what?!" Brad pulled me on his lap
"I can't wait!" I replied
"Amelia is meeting us in Sydney next month" Connor said
"Oh okay" I replied smiling at the way his face lights up whenever he talks about her, which is all of the time. The plan was to meet the 1D bays at the airport, get the plane to LA where the tour bus is, tour around America then to Austrailia. After an hour or so, we were all finally on the plane, after delaying it another half an hour coz Harry needed a pee, Niall needed more food coz he ate half of it in the car, Brad and Connor knocked down a whole isle of sweets in the sweet shop so they had to pick it up, we lost Zayn then found him in the toilets and Tris, James and Louis got held up in security coz they were taking the mick out of one the guards, which you know seemed like great fun until our plane was called for the 5th time. Anyway we are on our way to L.A! It may take a while but we will get there, preferably before Christmas lol. I was sat next to Loz, then there was James and Brad infront, Louis and Harry behind, Connor and Tris, Liam Zayn and Niall shared a four seater further down. Lauren nudged me and pulled some squirts cream out of her bag, I smirked at her an we both looked at James and Brad and nodded, she gave me a can and we squirted it on the tops I there heads, they both turned around so we hid the cream
"Hey guys! I love what you've done with your hair today" thy both smirked
"Thanks, and your make up, very unique" shit!
All four of us ran to the bathroom at the end of the plane, I was ahead of all of them until James came up behind me and lifted me over his shoulder, I screamed, we all got in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, James and Brad had cream now basically everywhere and u had 'James is the best ever' written on my forehead and Lauren had all sorts of weird drawings all over her face.
"Urgh, James can you get it of for me?" I asked, he nodded an started dapping some wet tissue on my forehead, I couldn't help but laugh.

The fault in our love (1D and the vamps, James Mcvey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now