the plan

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After the meeting me and Harry had to convince everyone else we were dating, but we couldn't even tell Louis or anyone the truth, this sucks, Harry is My best Friends, what's the worst that could happen?, I develop feelings for him? nah, it will be over in no time. My and Harry walked into Mine and the girls room hand in hand. They were both packing their bags,

"Oh Ava, the four bus is here, you need to pack" Lauren said but then she turned around and saw Harry's hand in mine, she was comoletely shocked

"but first Why don't you tell me what's going on here?" she smirked, Harry Just laughed and kisses My cheek

"I gotta go pack My stuff then, cya soon" once he left Lauren pulled me into a hug and squealed, which of course made Amelia come into Lauren's room.

"what's going on?" she asked, she was already packed with one bag on her shoulder, one on her back and her suitcase.

"Hava Just happened" Lauren winked at Amelia who dropped everything on the floor and said

"I totally ship it" she squealed, I Just rolled My eyes and left to pack My things.

After I finished packing I went down to the lobby were I met everyone, I could already see lots of cameras and screaming fans outside, Harry put his arm around My waist and whispered

"Just follow My lead" I nodded, trying to calm myself down, it was time to show the world me and Harry were dating, hopefully this would work. We walked out if the hotel and the screams were deafining, security were pushing fans back and I could feel all eyes on me and Harry, the boys signed a few stuff and then we finally reached the tour busses, everyone got on except for me and Harry, he grabbed My waist, I knew exactly what he was doing and soon his lips were on mine, is it wrong to say I was enjoying it, I felt Harry smile into the kiss, I saw the flashes of cameras and everyone was shocked. I pulled away and Harry took My hand then lead me into the bus. I was staying with the 1D boys on their tour bus as well as Lauren, Amelia was satying with the vamps, I wonder Why, does a mister Connor Ball have anything to do with it?. When me and Harry got on the bus, everyone was cheering and smirking at us.

The fault in our love (1D and the vamps, James Mcvey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now