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I woke up to the smell of pancakes, I wandered into the kitchen were James was cooking, I wrapped My arms around his bare waist, he smiled and handed me a plate with a pancake on.

"Amelia wanted to talk to you" I nodded and ate My pancake, got showered and dressed then went to Amelia's and Lauren's hotel room. I knocked on the door and Amelia answered then she dragged me in

"there is So much to talk about" she sat on the sofa and I sat next to her

"Ok...where's Lauren?" I asked

"that's one of the things I wanted to tell you" she said

"she's gone on a date with Zayn" Amelia squealed

"really?, Wow I never knew she was serious about her little crush on him"

"Oh I don't think its Just a crush" she laughed

"So...what else do you need to tell me?"

"well...I don't know how to say this but-

"Just fire it at me" I smiled, preparing myself for this bad news

"Sophia is kinda on her way...."

"what?!, your sister, James' ex, two faced bitch Sophia?" how could Amelia invite her here

"look, mum and dad have gone on holiday for their anniversery and They told me to let Sophia come stay with us" urgh I hate that girl, Amelia probably hates her to, They never get along, I sighed

"fine" Amelia gave me a concerned look but I brushed her off

"look I know she is an annoying bitch but its only for a week"

I nodded, I'll Just have to deal with it

"anything else you want to tell me?"

"well, Connor asked me to be his girlfriend" she said all casual, I jumped up and squealed

"OMG I didn't think he would have the balls"

"well you know he did and I'm the happiest girl in the world"

there was a knock at the door

"until My sister decided to show up and ruin everything, I'll get it"

Amelia got up and answered the door, I heard a loud high pitched squeal and in walked Sophia, with her bleach blonde hair, very obvious fake tan, bright pink lipstick, high heal stilettos, tight pencil skirt, gucci handbag and massive suitcase.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in" she said as she stumbled in

"I'm surprised you can still talk after being dragged through a hedge and dumped on a plane" I smiled, Sophia dragged her suitcase and dropped it on the floor

"its been a while Ava" she pulled a cheesy grin

"So it has slutty Sophia-oops sorry its a habbit"

"whatever, So where is My room?"

"well you'll have to share with someone until we go to Sydney"

Sophia groaned

"well I'm Sure James souldn't mine sharing" she winked, I was fuming, she is Just trying to wind me up

"slight problem....he highered his standerds and got himself a girlfriend"

Sophia looked absolutaly horrified, I smiled and walked out of the door. I didn't actually know where I was going So I walked down the hallway and then I got a text

wanna come pennyboarding wiv Nash and Cam?, ofcourse u do, meet us in the lobby xxx :-)  Loz

I smiled at the text, she knows me to well, I walked into James and Brad's room because I have a key and I left My pennyboard in there, I heard voices from the bedroom but I ignored them and picked up My pennyboard, I looked up as I passed James' bedroom. He was sat on his bed talking to Sophia, I stormed out of the room and ran down to the lobby. I told Lauren everything as we Cameron and Nash where buying us an ice cream, So sweet. My phone suddenly started ringing, I walked to a quieter spot and answered

Ava- Hi?

James- Hey babe was that you who came into My room before

Ava- Yeah sorry was I interupting something?

James- Not really but can you stop being So horrible to Sophia?

Ava- What?!, wtf did she say

James- she told me about the insults and how you make her feel, she was crying Ava, and she is staying with me tonight

Ava- James Liste-

before I could finish he had hung up and tears where streaming down My face I threw My phone into the stand

"Why So upset princess?" the familiar, desirable voice said

"fuck off Justin"

instead he walked over to me and handed me My phone

"Why do have to be such a bitch?!"

"me?! you're the one who cheated!"

"fine you win, I'm sorry"

I finally looked into his hazel eyes, this was the first time he had ever apologized

"I don't need your apology Justin, I need you to fucking leave me alone"

"Wow, fine, your nothing special, that's why all the guys leave you"

he finally walked away, I feel like everything has gone wrong today, its all My fault for letting it.

The fault in our love (1D and the vamps, James Mcvey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now