i need him

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that night, when we finally got back from the beach Cameron and Nash stayed for a bit and we filmed a few prank videos and had a lot of fun, not enough to take My mind of James though, It was 11pm and I was crying alone in bed, letting My thoughts take over;

where is James right now?

does he like Sophia?

Why is he choosing her over me?

Why am I such an idiot?

I came to a conclusion that there was something about James that sticks to me, but I don't believe in Love and that's Just the way I am, Just one of My faults.

About an hour later I felt warm arms wrap around me and the familiar scent, James, he whispered in My ear for me to be quiet, then he took My hand and led me out of the door

"James, what are you doing?"

"spending time with you"

I nodded and he took me down to the local park were we lay on the grass and I knew exactly what he was doing.

James' POV

we Just lay in the middle of the feild, looking at the stars, I looked across to see her face light up in the moonlight, I Love her. I  took out My guitar which I had brought with me and sat up, I began playing the familiar song, chasing cars, which I first played to her when I asked her out, she sat up too and we both sang along, I finished the song and Ava leaned over and kisses me passionalty, suddenly it started to rain, we pulled away and smiled, I wrapped My jacket around her bare arms and we ran back to the car laughing. It was one of the best nights of My life.


it was one one of the best nights of My life, it seems all of My favourite memories are with James, and I still remember the day we met;

I walked into My new school and everyone was asking what My name was, I smiled and told them trouble, I looked across the room and there was a boy leaning against the wall,I walked over to him and said Hey he replied with 'hey trouble' we both laughed, 'i like your cobain shirt' 'thanks' pretty soon after school we were both heading back to My place ' I've been thinking about that song living on a prayer and I want to live that way someday' he nodded and I could tell he was thinking about something, that night he sleptover and we got to know eachother. the next day at school everyone was talking about us, a few guys came up to me and said I'm here to stay.

"James, whatever Sophia said about me was'nt true"

he sighed

"you don't believe me, do you?"

"Ava ofcourse I want to believe you, but Just tell me one thing, what is really going on between you and Harry?"

I was on the edge of tears

"you don't trust me!, Sophia is trying to break us up So she can get with you"

"Sophia has got Justin, Why would she do that?"

"Sophia is the kind of girl that would do it anyway"

"Why can't you Just tell me, let me in?!"

in My head I was saying 'because a lot of things have changed since we last dated, there's things you won't understand and I couldn't explain' but I kept My mouth closed, maybe I'm Just to complicated, maybe I was never suposed to 'fall in love' what if I wasn't supposed to be saved, urgh I'm sick of feeling These things, I Just don't want to feel a thing anymore, and what am I doing dragging James into this world? this dark world, I'm So selfish!

"i'n sorry, maybe you've got the wrong girl" I said and walked out of his car and down the road, I could feel him walking behind me, funny how one minute I'm having the time of My life and the next he's making me So confused, Why is he doing this to me, its like i have no control over myself.

"no! Ava you are perfect to me, the only girl I could ever want, I'm So scared of loosing you again" he grabbed My arm and spun me around, the rain was pouring now, his words made my heart flutter

"Ok..Just please stops listening to everything Sophia says"

"I Love you" those three words make My while world stops


"I'm sorry but its true and I don't want to deny it"

I nodded and we walked back to his car

I was fqlling asleep with one thought on My mind, if I did let James go, I souldn't have anything left to holds onto, I need him.

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The fault in our love (1D and the vamps, James Mcvey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now