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Amelia's POV

I laughed at My two idiotic Friends squealing and running through the mall

"what was that about?" Connor asked and all of the guys looked at me

"ever since They were 15 they've been in Love with Cameron and Nash's vines, They said that if They ever got the chance to meet them They would say 'Cam and Nash alert', I remember when magcon was introduced and the girls decided to save arguments that They could have 3 guys each Ava chose Cameron, Taylor and Carter, Lauren chose Nash, Matt and Shawn but They loved to remind me how much They would marry Cameron and Nash and have a double wedding, They were never serious but They Love the magcon boys more Thank you guys like pizza and starbucks" I said and some of the boys laughed

"Louis, you're sister is Just as crazy as you" Tris said

"its in the blood" Louis replied

James and Zayn looked quite angry to be honest but I brushed it off

"and she's got a Tomlinson ass" Harry said earning a look from James.

When we got back to the busses They told us which hotel we were staying at and that it has now been extended for two weeks.

Ava's POV

I heard James come in to our hotel room that we were sharing, he didn't look to happy

"babe what's wrong?" he ignored me and sat on the sofa

"fine" I said, I was about to walk away until he pulled me down on his lap and rested his head on My shoulder

"do you like Cameron?" he asked

"Oh is someone jealous?" I smirked and played with his hair, he groaned

"no, its just-

"James I Love you and only you, I don't want to loose you against, Cameron is a friend. I said

"I Love you too, but I can't trust other guys around you, I won't let you go again"

"do you trust me?" I asked

"ofcourse" he replied and pecked me on the lips, which turned into a heated make-out session until I pulled away

"you're such a tease" he moaned

"well I was Just going to order some chinese or something" I said

"Ok fine" he replied

The fault in our love (1D and the vamps, James Mcvey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now