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The girls were being really bad, surprisingly both of them, they never listened. Bella wouldn't stop breaking stuff and Mckenna wouldn't stop hitting and screaming.

I knew the stress wasn't good on the baby, but I couldn't control it.

I decided I would tell Ansel about the baby, and give him the girls some weekends, I don't know if we're ever getting back together.

I got the girls and put them in a car, then drove to Ansel's and i's home.

I knocked on the door and Ansel answered, looking tired. His brown eyes went wide and he smiled. "Shai!"

I smiled weakly. "Hey.." the girls squealed and hugged their daddy who kissed all over their faces. I smiled at the view.

"Come in.."

"Oh it's okay. I just came to tell you something."  He looked disappointed.

"Okay....what is it?"

" get the girls every weekend. pregnant."

His eyes widened, and something else....worry?

(Sorry if this was a bit shooort, I'm thinking of more ideas. I want 3 votes this time. xoxoxoxo.) stories live. Discover now