The End...

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A few months passed, and at 5:35 AM my water broke, and the pain was unbearable. I honestly don't even remember being rushed to the hospital.

Ansel mentioned that my parents took the girls, but I was kind of out of it.

I remember the doctor spreading my legs and Ansel holding my hand, saying it would be fine, though really? I want to punch him for doing this to me.

A few more minutes later, I started pushing, it was almost as bad ad the girls, I screamed loudly. "WHY?!"

After a while, a little boy with dark brown hair and Brown/ green eyes came out, he was so handsome. Jace Percy Elgort was born at 12 pm July 2.

I stared up at Ansel while little Jace was asleep.

"I love you.." He whispered to me.

"I love you too." and then he said something I haven't heard in a while.

"Okay?" I grinned tiredly.


(And that's the end, the feels! I want to thank you guys SOOO MUCH for all the support, it means so much to me, honestly. You guys are the best, and I hope you read my new story that will come out soon. thank you again! xoxoxoxo.

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