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When Gordie pulled the trigger, he accidentally shot the trashcan in front of him. The three stood shocked, until Gordie screamed,

"Let's get outta here man!" and turned the corner of the restaurant. Chris and Max were close behind, laughing their asses off.

"Gordie did it! Gordie Lachance is shooting up Castle Rock!" Chris chanted.

"Shut up!" Gordie hissed. Behind them, a waitress came out the back and shouted,

"Hey, who did that? Who's lightin' off cherry bombs out here?" When the three turned the corner, they stopped out front of a store to catch their breath. 

"Oh man, you should've seen you face! Damn that was cool!" Chris said, still laughing. 

"Yeah, that was really fine," Max chuckled.

"You knew it it was loaded you wet end!" Gordie shouted angrily, "I'm gonna be in trouble now that tupper babe saw me." 

"Shit Gordie, she thought is was firecrackers," Chris said. 

"I don't care, that was a mean trick Chris," Gordie said, starting to walk away. Chris grabbed his shoulder and said,

"Hey Gordie, I didn't know it was loaded, honest."

"You swear?" Gordie asked. 

"Yeah, I swear."

"On your mother's name?"


"Even if she goes to hell because you lied?" 

"Yeah I swear!"

"Pinky promise?" 

"Pinky promise." Chris took his left pinky finger, crossed his heart, kissed it and stuck it in the air.

"You guys are so random I swear," Max said shaking her head. Chris and Gordie chuckled and the three started to walk again, until they were greeted with two familiar faces. 

"Hey girls, where ya goin'?" Eyeball taunted. Ace then took the baseball cap off of Gordie's head and started waving it around. 

"Hey come on man, my brother gave me that!" Gordie exclaimed. 

"Well now you've given it to me," Ace replied.

"Give it to me! Come on man, that's mine!" Gordie shouted. He tried to grab it back but Ace held out a hand to push Gordie back, while still waving the hat with the other. 

"You're a real asshole, you know that?" Chris said to Ace. Ace stopped taunting Gordie and looked over at Chris.

"Your brother's not very polite, Eyeball," Ace said handing the hat to him. 

"Brother?" Max thought to herself.

"Now Christopher, I know you didn't mean to insult my friend," Eyeball taunted.

"I know he didn't mean to insult me," Ace said, "That's why I'm gonna give him the opportunity of taking it back." Ace slowly got closer to Chris until they were inches apart. He then grabbed a hold of Chris' neck and took him to the ground, next to the lit cigarette Ace had in his mouth earlier.

"Oh shit," Chris mumbled. 

"Take it back kid," Ace said bringing the lit cigarette closer and closer to his face.

"Come on man, stop it! You're hurting him!" Gordie exclaimed.

"Stop it Ace, Please!" Max choked, tears brimming her eyes. Max went to try to pry Ace off of Chris, but Eyeball grabbed her arms and held her back.

"Not so fast, princess," Eyeball snarled at Max.

"Bastard, let go man!" Chris shouted at Ace. 

"Take it back," Ace said, almost touching Chris' face with the cigarette. 

"Cut it out!" Gordie shouted.

"You bi- okay okay I take it back!" Chris shouted, just before the cigarette hit his skin. Ace then flicked the cigarette away and threw Chris back up on his feet. Eyeball also then let go of Max, pushing her into Chris' chest. 

"There, now I feel a whole lot better about this," Ace said, giving a terrifying smile.

"See ya later girls," Eyeball said, following Ace that was starting to walk away. The three watched them walk away and turn the corner. When they couldn't see them any longer, Chris looked over at Max, still clutching his shoulder and asked,

"You okay?" When Max realized that she was still holding on to him, she immediately let go and her face got extremely red.

"Me? Y-yeah I'm fine, what about you?" Chris' cheeks then turned a faint pink and he looked down at his feet to hide it.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." Max and Chris started walking until they realized that Gordie wasn't following. 

"Gordie?" Max spoke softly.

"Come on man, just forget em'," Chris said, grabbing his shoulder to get him to start walking. The three walked in silence, until Chris kicked Gordie's behind to cheer him up a bit. Gordie then kicked him back, and Chris kicked Max's too, resulting in Max kicking Chris back too. The three of them laughed, and continued walking to the train tracks.


"What do we need a pistol for anyway?" Vern asked, when all five of them finally met up.

"It's spooky sleeping outside in the woods, we might see a bear!" Chris explained.

"Or a garbage can," Max added smiling. Chris laughed, Gordie rolled his eyes, and Teddy and Vern were left confused.

"I brought a comb," Vern said, changing the subject.

"What do we need a comb for?" Chris asked.

"Well if we get on T.V. we want to look good don't we?" Vern said in a "duh" sort of tone.

"A lotta thinking, Vern," Gordie said, boosting Vern's ego.

"Thanks!" Vern replied, grinning widely. Teddy then pretended to hit Vern, which caused him to flinch, resulting to Teddy punching Vern in the shoulder twice.

"Two for flinching," Teddy smirked. When the five of them reached the beginning of the tracks, they all stopped and stared. 

"How far do ya think it's gonna be?" Teddy asked.

"If we follow the tracks all the way into Harlow, it'd be about twenty miles. Sound about right to you Gordie?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, yeah it might even be thirty," Gordie replied.

"Then we better start moving," Max said, cutting up front and started walking across the bridge. 

"Gee man, maybe we should hitchhike," Vern whined. 

"No way, that sucks," Teddy replied, shaking his head. The rest all started walking, catching up to Max. 

"Why not? We could go out to route seven down to the Sharlow Church, then down the back Harlow Road, we'd be there by sundown!" Vern said. 

"That's pussy!" Teddy exclaimed.

"Hey, it's a long ways," Vern said. 

"Did your mother ever have any kids that lived?" Teddy said, chuckling.

"What do you mean?" Vern asked, genuinely confused. Teddy just shook his head and continued walking.  

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