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"Gentlemen... and lady, The Royal." The five stopped on the tracks, to see the forest in front of them.

"The tracks go way out of the way," Teddy said. 

"We cut across this field, we'll be there in an hour," Chris replied. Going through the woods made Max feel uneasy, but she would see the body sooner, so she thought it would be the best idea. 

"I think we should stick to the tracks," Vern said.

"I say we go across the field," Teddy protested. 

"Gordie?" Chris asked. Gordie paused before saying,


"Max?" Chris asked again.

"Let's do it," she answered. 

"Alright, let's go!" Chris said, starting to run across the field. Gordie, Max, and Teddy followed, him screaming more useless commands, and Vern still stood on the tracks.

"Hey you guys, it's a lot safer if we uh," Vern started, "You don't know what's in those woods!" He realized that nobody was listening, so he decided to give up and follow the rest.

"Hey you guys, wait up for me!" He started running down the field, and tripped. But he got up again and continued running.


They ended up having to walk through tons of watery, and squishy mud, that covered their entire shoes and bottom of their pants. Vern whined about the entire way, making everyone more annoyed than they already were. They kept walking until they reached a small lake. 

"How are we supposed to get across this?" Vern pouted.

"We use you as a raft," Teddy replied.

"Very funny," Vern rolled his eyes and Max smirked to herself. Chris then turned around, broke a branch off of a tree, and stuck in the water a few times.

"Hey, It's not that deep, we can walk across," Chris explained. He threw away the stick, and they all started to walk across, until it suddenly became so deep their heads went under. When they all stuck their heads up, Vern looked furious.

"Told you we should've stuck to the tracks," He spat. Teddy turned to face him slowly, and said,

"Is it me, or are you the world's biggest pussy?" 

"I suppose this is fun for you?" Vern asked sarcastically.

"No, but this is," Teddy grabbed Vern's head and started dunking him repeatedly into the water. Teddy laughed his iconic shriek and kept dunking.

"Come on Teddy, act your age!" Chris exclaimed.

"This is my age! I'm in the prime of my youth, and I'll only be young once!" 

"Yeah, but you'll be stupid for the rest of your life," Chris retorted. Max and Vern 'ooed,' and Teddy handed his glasses to Vern.

"Oh, that's it Chambers, you just signed your own death warrant! You die, Chambers!" Teddy charged onto Chris, pushing him under. Max joined in, by grabbing Teddy and pushing him under also. Then the three of them all ganged up on poor Vern, and pulled him under the most. Gordie, on the other hand, didn't want to be in the lake any longer. He decided to walk his way to the other side to shore. 

"Hey, where do ya think you're going, Lachance?" Chris asked.

"Yeah Lachance!" Teddy added. 

"Come on you guys,"  Gordie whined, almost to shore. The four then began to chase Gordie, all ending up in a dog pile. Vern had his arm around his neck, pretending to do the 'sleeper hold.'

"Sleeper hold! Sleeper hold! Nobody gets out of the sleeper hold!" Gordie looked over at Vern, and realized there was something on his neck.

"Vern, there's something on you neck!" Gordie exclaimed.

"Yeah, right, I'm not falling for that one Lachance!" Vern replied.

"No Vern, there is something on your neck!" Chris added.

"It's a leech," Teddy said, "LEECHES!" The five of them screamed and jumped out of the water as fast as they could. without hesitation, they all started stripping from their clothes and took off as many leeches as they could reach.

"Chris, are there any on my back?!" Max shouted. Chris ran over to her and took off all the leeches that she had on her back, and she did the same to Chris. When all the leeches were off of their bodies, and they calmed down, everyone finally noticed how Max was only in her bra and underwear. 

"Holy shit," Vern murmured to himself. 

"So you were right," Teddy said, ogling over her body, "Your tits are bigger than the regular fourteen year old."

"Dude!" Max exclaimed, crossing her arms over her chest. And that didn't help, it only squished them closer together, almost causing Vern to faint. Chris finally decided to step up, and he protectively stood in front of Max, covering her from the rest of them.

"Seriously guys?!" He exclaimed.

"What? It's not our fault she's got a nice bod!" Teddy exclaimed back. Chris gave him a glare and Max poked her head out from behind Chris. 

"Oh shit," Gordie said. He held out the waistband of his underwear, with pure fear plastered on his face.  

"Oh shit Chris, Oh shit man!" He shouted. Suddenly, he reached down into his underwear, and pulled out a leech, with his hand covered in blood. Everyone stared at him terrified, and disgusted. Gordie dropped the leech, and stared at the blood on his hand. He then began to wobble, and suddenly his eyes rolled back, and fell to the ground.

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