The Games: Task 2 - Adaara

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"You will only have one hour to make your way through space from the atmosphere of Arena 1, to Obstillia, its moon, two miles away. Each of you has a self-destructing droid placed in your body that will detonate in an hour if you haven't reached Obstillia. Once on the moon, you must use a disruptor to shut the droid down. If you do not make it in time... then you will die." 

Adaara glanced at Kanan who was in a spacesuit next to her. There was a belt strapped around her waist connected to a leash. As she followed it with her eyes, she realized it was attached to the Star Destroyer just behind them.

Dasram, also in a spacesuit, hovered just in front of Kanan, whose fists were clenched. "I've given you a little present. Inside your body and the body of your... wife... is a device that will destroy everything in a hundred foot radius when activated. Naturally, it will harm you if activated. You must choose between activating the device inside you or inside your wife. If you choose to activate neither of them, then they both will activate within seven minutes after the timer begins. Jenaara and her droid, as well as Kiernan and his little pet also have the devices inside them. If they choose not to activate theirs, then both of yours will go off as well. There's a button on your wrists to activate it."

With that, he floated back toward the Star Destroyer, leaving both of them alone. Adaara placed a hand on her stomach instinctively. "The device... Do you think it would kill the baby?"

Kanan nodded. "If it doesn't kill the baby, then it will severely wound it and you. I won't risk that. I'll get ahead of you and activate mine when the timing is right. I'll try to find Jenaara and Keirnan wherever they are and convince them to activate theirs too. There's a Starfighter on the asteroid just ahead of us. Find it and use it to reach Obstillia as soon as possible."

"But, Kanan—"

"Three. Two. One..." a loud voice bellowed. An alarm buzzed, signifying that the timer had begun.

Kanan placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her firmly, but quickly. "Get to the Starfighter and reach Obstillia. I'll activate my device and clear the way for you at a safe distance so you're not in the blast range."

Before she could protest, he reached out with the Force and used it to help pull him toward the closest asteroid. It was medium but still big enough to hold a Starfighter.

Frustration flared in her chest, mixing with anger. Kanan had basically given her orders as if she was still his Padawan and not his wife. I want to activate my device with you to help you. I don't think we should separate. Kanan, we should stay together. She hadn't been able to voice any of her thoughts to him. Did he think that only his way was best? Did he simply not care about how she felt? Why didn't he give her a choice in the matter?

Shaking her head, she gritted her teeth, knowing that there was nothing she could do about it now. I've got to focus on getting to that moon. Even though she had used the Force in desperation on Arena 1, she knew her abilities were severely lacking. She had only reached Padawan level and after Order 66, she had denied her Jedi-self and had refused to use the Force for far too long. About all I can do is make a good landing and Force push things away from me... Her thoughts trailed off as she finally took in her surroundings.

It was hard not to feel terrified at the darkness around her. Unlike in normal space, there were no stars around. Instead, thick fog in a myriad of colors expanded on the horizon both above and below her. This must be what the inside of a nebula looks like, she thought in wonder.

In front of her was a massive asteroid field, filled with the brown, crater-littered space rocks of all shapes and sizes. In the center, she could see some large ones the size of small moons. Others were tiny and formed clusters. The field itself stretched several hundred feet above her head and even longer down below. Her eye caught the medium asteroid with the Starfighter on it.

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