The Games: Task 6 Epilogue- Kanan

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Emptiness closed itself through Kanan's entire body. His wounds hadn't been fatal, unfortunately. After he knew everyone was safe and that they had escaped the Imperial blockade, all he wanted was to join Adaara in death. Perhaps it was grief, but Kanan couldn't bring himself to fight or want to live any longer.

The only thing that kept him going was hate.

"You're giving up." Jenaara walked into Kanan's room as the door hissed shut behind her.

Kanan shook his head and rolled over on his bunk, facing the wall—turning his back to her. "My wife is dead. I have nothing left to live for."

He sensed her presence as she walked closer to him and felt her weight on the end of the bed. Flinching as she touched him, he finally glanced at her over his shoulder. "I've lost too. My brother... M—My f..." She sighed and closed her eyes, breathing in deeply as if she was trying to hold in tears. "And..."

A familiar presence flickered and his eyes widened. He sat up, feeling the same darkness in him, inside her too. "You—You're a..."

"Don't say it. I don't want to hear you say it."

Kanan furrowed his eyebrows. "H—How?"

Swallowing deeply, she took a deep breath before speaking. "After you and Yuurei opened the Holocron with the codes, when we plugged it into the ship, it didn't work. We realized it was only half the codes, so we had to go back and get the other Holocron... But you passed out from your wounds and... Yuurei sensed the Force inside me... So, I—I helped him open it."

"You did what?" Kanan yelled.

Jenaara glared at him and crossed her arms. "You did the same thing!"

Kanan gritted his teeth, raking his mechanical hand through his hair. "I... I know. But you—You're innocent. You're... I didn't even know that you were Force-sensitive."

Jenaara shook her head, staring at the floor. "Neither did I."

They sat there in silence for a long time. Kanan wasn't sure how much time passed. Jenaara eventually closed her eyes and leaned on him, falling straight to sleep. He listened to her heart racing beneath her chest and watched her chest rise and fall with each trembling breath.

His body was exhausted to the very core of his being, but he couldn't sleep. Part of him couldn't bring himself to move and stir Jenaara—she seemed just as tired as he was and she was like a sister to him.

She was all he had left.

Another part of him couldn't sleep because his mind refused to shut down. He kept seeing Adaara's eyes looking at him as she faintly smiled at him. "Y—you m——live..." Over and over again, he kept seeing the shield appearing, instantly chopping off her head.

Her closed eyes, her beautiful face peered at him from the ground where it landed and he couldn't get the image out. The hatred swelled within him, longing to explode in rage. He wanted his lightsaber in his hand, wanting to kill them—to kill them all. Vader, the Emperor... To kill Kaladin all over again.

The door hissed open and a golden protocol droid waddled in. "Sir, Master Organa wishes to see you in his chambers. Miss Jenaara is invited as well."

Jenaara's eyes snapped awake and she leaped off the bunk, fists clenched and ready for a fight.

"It's okay," Kanan said. "It's Organa's droid."

"Who are you again?" Jenaara frowned, crossing her arms.

Kanan couldn't blame her. After all the Empire had done to them, it wasn't easy to trust these people either. When he woke, their ship had escaped the Imperial blockade. A starcruiser came out of hyperspace near then and requested them to dock. They said they were friends and that they could help them escape the Empire forever. They were almost out of fuel and nowhere near a planet or space station, so they had reluctantly docked and boarded. When they met with the leader here, a senator named Bail Organa, he had informed them that they were

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