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Emily's POV

We ended at Canada and we're headed to New Jersey. I've never been to the states before so this should be fun.

Luke's POV

"I'm going to tell Emily."

"Luke she won't like me."

"Ella she'll HAVE to like you, your my girlfriend."

Ella and I have been dating for 4 months now. I got her a plane ticket to fly to New Jersey. We can't hide it anymore.

"Ok Lukey, I'll talk to you later, I'm still packing."

"Ok Ells, I love you"

"Love you too."

Ella's POV

I'm still packing to go to New Jersey. I'm super excited! I don't need to pack much though because I'm pretty sure Luke will buy me new clothes there.

He's so worried about Emily liking me. I don't care if that little brat likes me, she's just gonna have to deal with it.

My phone vibrates.


Hey boo. Why do you have to go to New Jersey? Stay with me! 😩


I can't stay Jakey! You know I have to go visit my aunt. Sorry!


I love you.



Poor Jake. Thinking I love him. I really need to let him go. But his family's rich. I have to love him. *sigh* oh well.

"It's so hard to love two people." I say to myself.

"But I get new clothes jewelry an shoes. This is the life."

I talk to myself as I pack my stilettos.

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