Red Carpet

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A/N YOU GUYS I FREAKING SAW MY 9 IDIOTS ON FRIDAY AKSFXOSKSOFFO I didn't cry until probably You and I cuz it like hit me,"Omg its really them!" So yea. But PCD HIT ME HARD ON SATURDAY LIKE I CRIED HALF THE DAY. Overall it was an amazing concert and I hope to see them soon. Xx Meli

Here's the next chapter enjoy :)

Luke's POV

I'm having the worst day ever. Last night at the concert, I missed my solo for Long Way Home, all because of Michael.

Well I guess it wasn't really his fault, he was feeling sick earlier so when I saw him look annoyed, I kept checking up on him and missed my solo.

Then this morning I woke up late and we missed our interview. Then I couldn't find my lucky guitar pick for our little jam session for a radio station. I messed up on the notes and then I forgot the lyrics to Heartbreak Girl.


I turn to the door and see Em wearing her dress.

"Oh my gosh you look beautiful Em!"

She smiles, "Lou said its your turn to get your hair done."

"Its not that hard," I say.

I walk to the door and hug her, I hold her by her shoulders, "You ready to have the best time of your life?"

She smiles and nods.

"Great. I'll be back in a few minutes and we'll leave."

She sits on my bed,"I'll be here."

I smile and walk out.

I walk over to Lou's room and see Ashton and Calum sitting on the couch ready, and Michael wearing a towel on his head.

"What color?" I ask

"Red." He says smiling.

I shake my head disapprovingly and laugh at him.

"LUCAS come on your the last one!"

I sit on her chair as she does my hair. I play around with my phone then decide to charge it, its at 4%.

After Lou finishes, she hands me my outfit and I go to change.

We check the time, 3:52. Its time to go. I walk to my room and see Emily still on the bed.

"Let's go Em."


I look down at her phone screen, " Who are you texting?"

"Cameron, he's gonna be at the TCAs and he's asking if we could meet up."

I just nod as we head to the venue.

Emily's POV

We had arrived at the TCAs and the guys had to walk the red carpet. Thea and I walked straight to the other side and avoided the photographers screaming, "Ladies OVER HERE!" or "Emily!! Come on nice big smile!" Thea and I just laughed and continued to walk.

"Hi Emily! This is E News! Would you please join us for a quick interview?"

I look at our bodyguard for approval. He nods and Thea and I walk to the platform.

"So girls, you look beautiful my name is Guilianna and I'm just gonna ask you a few questions nothing to personal, and all you do is answer whatever you want! Got it?"

We just nod yes.

"We're live in 3, 2, 1!"

"Hi guys and we're live from the Red carpet at the Teen Choice Awards 2014! We're here with 2 members of the 5 Seconds of Summer entourage. Sister to Luke Hemmings Emily and Thea! So girls how is it like to be on the red carpet?"

I look at Thea to see if she wanted to answer, she looks at me and I speak.

"Its amazing this is Thea and I's first american red carpet and it is so cool!"

"And what are you wearing tonight?"

I look at Thea confused, she has the same face.

"Um a dress?"

Guilianna starts laughing,"Oh you girls are too funny, moving on, so you girls are almost ready to go home since the tour is almost over right?"

Thea takes this one, "Sadly yes, we've had such an amazing few weeks here and we're definitely sad we have to go back but happy to go home and see all of our families and friends we left behind."

"I totally understand, well girls it was so nice to chat with you and I really love both of your outfits! Hope to talk again soon! Terrence I'm going to kick it over to you!"

"And we're off!" The camera man yells.

"Girls very nice talking to you and wishing your brother all the luck tonight!"

"Thank you! Nice talking to you!" I smile and wave as we walk to Rob.

"Nice job girls, I guess you could walk inside now, the guys are still doing interviews."

We walk with our other bodyguard inside. We take our seats and look around the place. Its so big!

All of a sudden two large hands cover my eyes, "Did you miss me?"

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