Date Night Again

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Cam's POV

"You look beautiful,"

"Thanks, I don't usually dress up like this."

"Really? Then what do you wear?"

"Mostly Shorts or pants and a nice shirt. And my converse." She smiles.

"Oh haha, yeah so your not like a girly girl."


She's so cute.

"Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise...."

Emily's POV

Where are we going? We've been driving forever.

10 Minutes later we arrive at a dock. It's at a lake. It's so pretty.

"Cam, this is beautiful!"

"I thought you'd like it."

I look towards the end of the dock and there's a boat, with a table and candles.

"Oh, wow, this is gorgeous."

"Let's go for a ride,"

We get in the boat and there's a man in there, rowing.

"So what are you doing in Dallas?"

"My brother has a concert here. My friend Thea and I like to go around the city before concerts. What are you doing here?"

"Making videos with my friends,"

"For fun?"

"Yeah, well, no, I mean, it's kind of my job."

"Oh so you make videos as your job?"

"Yeah, i'm a youtuber kind of." 

"Really? That's so cool. Just yourself?"

"No, aha I work with my friends. We're on tour right now."

"Oh wow, so it's pretty big?"

"Yeah, almost everywhere I go there's a girl who wants to take a selfie with me."

"So, you know how it feels like..." I mumble under my breath.

"How what feels like?"

"oh, nothing."

"It's ok, tell me."

"To get hate and to get mobbed."

There's a moment of silence.

"Yeah. But you learn to get over it. It must be harsh on you."

"Only when i'm with my brother. By myself, rarely do I get mobbed. Maybe a picture but thats it."

"I know how you feel."

We continue to just talk throughout the night while rowing down the river.

"What time is it?" I ask,

He checks his phone, "Shit, I gotta take you home Emily."

We get off at the next dock and run to his car.

"Hold on! Cam I'm wearing heels!!"

He stops and waits for me as I take them off.

"Ok lets go!"

I start running and I beat him to the car.

Once inside, we talk some more.

"You're really fast,"

"Thanks, you did good too."

He laughs and we head back to the hotel.

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