Together Again

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Cam's POV

To: Em

Hey Em, imy.


Imy2 babe. When can we see each other?




How soon?


Very soon.


Cam but I miss you a lot.


I know babe. But I promise.


OK. Well I'll talk to you later, I gotta go to the airport. I love you.



I sigh. I miss her. I decide to turn on the TV.

"So apparently the One Direction guys and the 5SOS guys are ending their tour next week. Then they're going back home."

What? Back home? They can't. I'm not going to be able to see Emily anymore. Thank god for E! News.

I decide to call Sam, my manager.

"Cam, what's up?"

"I need a flight to New Orleans, fast."

"Your on tour smart one. You can't just book a flight and leave."

"Sam, this is important. I have to spend time with my girlfriend. She's leaving back home next week."

There's silence for a second.

"Fine, you're taking the next flight to New Orleans. But only for a few days Cameron!"

I smile, "Okay Thanks Sam!!"

"Yeah yeah," he mumbles.

I get off the phone and start packing.

Emily's POV

How soon?

Why can't I see him now?

I sigh as I sit on a chair. We're backstage and the guys are at soundcheck. We're backstage with the 1D guys.

"So Emily have you had fun?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, I'm kind of sad its over though."

"Aw don't worry. It may be the last time you'll join us but we'll see each other again someday."

Wait, did he just say, Last time on tour with them? No, this can't be.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked, clearly concerned at the face I made.

"Nothing, I just didn't know it was the last tour with you."

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