You see!

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Luke's POV

I hear Ella and Thea out in the hall fighting. I look at Emily and she's looking at me. I decide to listen to their conversation.

"What's your problem? My names Thea! Its not that hard to remember!"

"Save it Treea I don't care what your name is."

"You don't care about anything but yourself!"

"And? Yea its true."

"Well you must care about Luke."

"Oh hah Darling, I don't. He means nothing to me."

"Then why are you with him? Why are you even here?"

"For his money Treea. Duh! You don't know anything about this."

I'm shocked. How could I be so stupid?! Emily was right!

I open the door and walk to Ella.

"Lukey! Oh my gosh I am having the b-"

"Save it Ella. Get out of the hotel. Now. I can't believe I fell for a monster like you."

"Lukey! What are you talking about?"

"Don't act stupid with me, you know what I'm talking about."

"Luke I can explain"

"Rob!! Take her out of the hotel and never let her close to my sister or I ever again."

Rob nods and grabs Ella.

"Luke No, you've got it wrong! I love you!"

I look at Emily who's just enjoying this. I smile and put my arm around her.

"Sorry for not believing you Em."

"Nah it's ok. Just happy she's gone."

We laugh and go back to my room with Thea and the rest of the guys.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask nobody in particular.

"I talked to Rob and he said he have nothing but the concert at 7. He said not to be late this time."

We laugh.

"So there's nothing to do?"

"Nope! We're free!"

"Emily, what do you wanna do today?"

She looks at me and says, "Luke i haven't eaten since yesterdays lunch."

I smile at her, "You missed dinner since you ran off."

We laugh and end up ordering pizza. One box for each of us.

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