Chapter 11

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Still Skylar p.o.v

As soon as we got up to the hotel room, I immediately called the boss. "Jack, we rescued Addison but there's one problem, is there anyone who can get here and help me rescue Jake?" "Why is Jake in trouble?"

"I have no idea, he told me to take Addison back to the hotel room while he took care of goons who kidnapped her". I replied. The was a moment of silence, followed by some fast typing on a keyboard. "Skylar?" "Yes?" "Someone is on there way, in the mean time, give Addison a gun and show her how to use it then go get that idiot before he gets himself killed". Chuckling little bit at Jack's sense of humor. He hung up.

"Addison, com' here for a sec", pulling a spare gun out of my bag, I showed it to Addison. "Ever fired one of these?" She looked down at it and nodded, "Once or twice. Why?" Tossing the unloaded gun to her, "I need to go back and get Jake and I want to make sure you'll be safe until I get back". "Let me show you on to load and unload it than i'm going take off"

Addison's P.o.v

Looking at Skylar, I realized how good looking he is and how much he tries to come off as a hard-ass but when it comes to me or someone he cares about, he's soft. Which isn't a bad thing, I just can't tell him that I'm in love with him because he's an assassin. He could kill me if he wanted to...

Skylar showed me how to load the gun. i didn't tell him i already know how to load it because i wanted to spend a little extra time with him offense to Jake of course but he's a perv and it can get a little annoying sometimes.

After showing me how to load and unload the gun, Skylar took off. Sleep started to hit me and i realized that i've been up all night and needed a nap.

Jake's P.o.v

After wrestling with Gunnar I grabbed my gun from my holster, I shot him directly in between the eyes. Dragging the limb corpse to the back. A heavy blunt object hit me on the top of the head, my vision goes blurry I realized that I forgot about the other guy who run off. Mort was hovering over me with a wooden baseball bat in one hand and huge black bag in the other. "I'm going to watch you slowly bleed out and die a slow, painful death"

As I lay here drowning in my own blood i start to realize how good my life as been, working with Skylar as been the best 4 years of my life, Skylar and I met when we were 14 years old and have been best friends ever since. 19 years old and this how I die..You may be thinking, why are you given up so easily? Well cause i've already lost so much blood that I have no chance of living. Skylar will find a new sidekick, I'm not important..

I look over at Mort who was seated in a huge leather chair still holding the baseball bat, he was watching me bleed out. "So your just going sit there and watch me die" I wheezed, its just harder to breathe.

"So your buddy Skylar is just going to let you die. How cute." Glaring at him I managed to get out, "Either way i'll die but skylar will kill you.."

Darkness takes over me and my breathing slows..

Skylar p.o.v

Bolting to the warehouse entrance , I saw two other assassins chilling out in front of the entrance waiting for me. "You guys go look for the leader. I'm going to look for Jake" The other two guys sprinted off. Some how their names escaped me but that's not important right now. I quickly find Jake sprawled out in his own blood, jogging over to him. I shook him, "Jake?! Jake!?!" checking his pulse, his unconscious and his pulse is dangerously slow.

"Hello Skylar" I hear from behind me, quickly spinning around I see a man sitting down, holding a baseball bat. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" "My, my skylar are you that naive? Everyone knows you, now for your other question my name is Mort, i'm one of Aaron's best assistant."

"What did Aaron want from Addison?" I spat at him, "To took over his company of course" Mort smirked. Narrowing my eyes at him, I quickly reached of my gun and shot at him. His limp corpse collapsed to the ground, making sure he was dead I opened fire on him.

Throwing my gun on the ground, I quickly run over to Jake and check his pulse, it was still there but it was very faint. The gun shots alerted the other two and they came running in out of no where. Pulling out my cellphone I dialed the boss's number, "Boss call a bus" "Skylar? What why?" "Jake is almost died, his bleeding out".


"Dude is he going to be okay?" one of them spoke up "I don't know" I spoke the truth, I really didn't know if he was going to okay. All I could do was hope.

Grabbing my knife and quickly cutting off a piece of my shirt and covered Jake's wound on the top of his head. "Jake, buddy. Please don't die on me"

~5 minutes later~

Two paramedics come in the building with a stretcher, "Please move out of the way sir" Looking up at him, I managed to get on my feet and got out of the way.

After they got Jake onto the stretcher, one of the paramedics come over to me "His lost a lot of blood, his chances of survival are slim." Nodding in response the paramedics continued "Is there a contact number I can reach you on to update you on his status?"

"Yes" Handed him a piece of paper with my number, Stuffing my hands into my pockets I made my way to my car. Turning towards the other two I spoke "I'm going back to my hotel, where are you two heading"

"Probably back to the base" The scrawnier one said. Nodding I headed to my car and went back to the hotel.

Addison's P.o.v

Rolling over on my back I checked the time '11:30 Am' it read, Skylar has been gone for two hours. I hope everything is okay..

Not even 10 minutes after that thought, I heard a knock on the door, jumping up off the bed I looked into the peep hole. It was Skylar and he looked like he saw a ghost. Swinging the door open I noticed he was alone, "Skylar where's Jake?" My eyes met his..He's.."

"He's what?" "Dead?" I swallowed hard. He shook his head "No but he pretty much is" He trailed off. "Tell me what happened"


" all that just to save me?" I cried. "You're a very special person Addy" Looking up at Skyler, I sighed "No I'm not. I'm alone".

"Addison you know that's not true" Anger built up inside me "YEAH ITS NOT TRUE. TELL ME WHY ITS NOT. BOTH OF MY PARENTS ARE DEAD... I have no one.." Tears streamed down my face. Skylar did't say anything just quietly hugged me.

Being so emotional I just let it happened and oddly enough it felt right.. I honestly don't know what came over me, I guess it was just stress over recently losing my father

"Addison I'm here, I know that's not much considering I killed your dad". Skylar finally spoke after 20 minutes of just hugging me...


I'm so sorry guys, I hope you guys dont hate me too much.

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