Chapter 5

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Hi, everyone! I know it's been a long time since I was writing this, but I finally got the motivation to continue this story. :3 Hope you like it. :*


*Skyler's P.o.v*

I was currently on my cell with Jack, "...Their getting closer Skyler. You have to forget about Addison and leave town before they find out it was you" He explained. He's words rang through my head. "Jack I'm trying my best. I'll tell Addison how I feel about her then leave town" I sighed into the phone. "Good luck Agent Skyler" He said and hung up. I lay down on my bed thinking about Addison. When I got a text from her saying she wanted to see me and it was urgent.

So, I jumped up off my bed put on my cologone and walk out into the lobby. Getting on my bike and speeding down the road to Addison's house. When I got there, Addsion was waiting outside for me. I walked up and greeted with a smile But she didn't smile back. I figured that she was still upset about her dad...I was wrong.

"They found out, what happen to my dad" She said in a unreadable tone, almost like she was a robot. "Okay..." I said panicing a bit inside. "He was killed...And they know who did it to". She said finally looking up at me. I didn't say anything, I just let her continue. "They said it was you" She looked like she wanted to kill me. "Uhhh...I-I can explain" I stuttered over my words. "Why? Skyler. Why!?!" She screamed at me. I looked at her "You won't believe me if I told you" I said honsetly. "You killed my dad!" She screamed and throw a punch at me, I dodged it and grab her. "Calm down" I whipered in her ear, "Calm down? Calm down!?!? I fucking dare you tell me to calm down" She roared. Ah Shit..I'm fucked.

I let her go and told her just to let me talk to her without her flipping shit. She agreed and I told her that I'm an assassin and her father was one of my targets. She asked why her dad, I told her I couldn't tell her that part. She didn't like it, she wanted to hate me right now. "But, Addison...I love you" I told her honsetly, "Your died to me, Skyler. I will get revenge for my dad" She said with tears rolling down here cheeks, I wanted so much to go over and wipe them away but I just walked away and got on my bike. Looking at her one last time and drive away. I told her I love her and she says I'm died to her? Well, I don't blame her. I killed her dad but he wasn't a good person. He's business has gotten people killed and he had to be stopped.

When I got back to the hotel and packed my things I planned to leave tomorrow morning to london. I took a quick shower and went to the hotel's bar to get some drinks. I order a bottle of vodka and downed it. Well do you blame me, She was the first girl I've fallen for since I was an assassin and I've been one almost all my life.

As I downed another bottle, my vision was still clear. I got a call on my cell phone "Hello" I slurred slightly. "Skyler, you have to go protect Addison. I just got an message that a few of her dad's boss's punks are going over to talk her into doing what her dad did. You must stop them. Do anything you have to" I heard Jack say. Immedaitely feeling sober I walked out of the hotel bar into the lobby and out the front doors. Jumping on my bike and speeding over to Addison's house.

When I got there, there was already two cars parked outside. Fuck. I thought to myself, their quick. I run inside and up stairs to addison's house. Turning the door knob but it was lock, "Shit!" I cussed to myself. I kicked the door open and saw the two guys holding their nuts. I laughed and walked over to them, Their eyes widen "Well...What do we have here?" I asked but I walked over and placed my combot boot over the top of one of their necks. He shallowed hard, I didn't add any pressure yet. I looked back over to Addison, she was crying and looking at me. I mouthed to her asking if she was okay. She nodded. I nodded back and looked down at the piece of trash that was laying there.

I adding some pressure to he's windpipe, he gasped for air. "Say uncle, motherfucker" I humored myself. "Un-" I cut him off, by adding on my weight to neck, snapping it. Killing him instantly. I walked over to the next guy and he tried to get away but I grabbed he's ankles and rolled him over. Hovering over him, I bought out my pocket knife deciding to screw with him. I placed it over he's heart "Do you want to die like your friend over there?.." I pointed at the lifeless body "Or..Do you want to live?" I asked him. He hesiasted "I..want to live" He said. 'Wrong!" I said and rammed the knife into he's heart.

I took my knife out my lifeless body and looked over at Addison. She run over to me and hugged me, I hugged her back...She was in shock. "Did they..?" I started to ask her, she shook her head 'no'. Think effing god. I would of flip shit if they touched her, I looked at her. "Addison you're in danger, your father was a bad person. Give me 2 weeks, I'll prove it to you" I tried to reason with her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes "You have 2 weeks and that's it, if you fail to prove to me that my father 'was a bad person' I'll make you pay" She said coldly. I'm a trained assassin but the look in her eye told me she wasn't lying. I nodded and shallowed hard 'fair enough' I said to her.

I called Jack, He answered on the second ring "Yes, Skyler?" He asked, "Jack, Addison find out it was me, I told her to give 2 weeks to prove to her that her father was a bad person, she agreed, I need some help though..." I told him. "Alright, tell addison that she needs to stay with you, she doesn't have to communicate with you. She just needs to stay safe you guys will catch the next flight to London at 7pm. I already booked it for you" Jack replied. I hunged up, "My boss, jack said you need to stay with don't have to talk to me. You just need to be safe, we're catching a 7'o clock flight to london" I told her, I looked at my cell '5:30pm' it read, "What excatly did I need to pack?" She asked emotionlessly. I looked at her, "You know, basics: Clothes, Shampoo, Hairbrush, toothbrush, and anything else if you wanna bring them, don't worry about money, if you need or want anything just tell me". I told her. She looked at me, I could read her for a split second until she masked her emotions again. She just nodded, "I'll pick you up at 6:00, if you need more time than that. Text me" I said without looking at her.


Well, Addison knows now. What did you guys think? :D

Should I do Addison's P.o.v from when she finds out Skyler killed her dad to when she's found with the two guys? Tell me whatcha you think of it & what should happen next. (: I'd love the feedback.

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