Chapter 10

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Here is Chapter 10, sorry to keep you guys waiting so long. Life happened, I was just so unmotivated on writing but finally chapter 10 is now finished and ready for you guys to enjoy it. Please, please give feedback on rather or not you guys like, if you want more soon, and share with your friends. 

Thank you and enjoy!



Skylar's p.o.v

I look all around the hotel room for clues to where Addison could be held up at. Sadly, no luck. What the fuck am I going to do? I thought to myself, the girl I love is out there somewhere with two creeps who are doing god knows what to her.. I grimaced at the thought of them putting their filthy hands on her. I looked over at Jake, he seemed just as stress as I am. "Man there's nothing here that can help us find Addison". I ignored him and thought about all the research I gathered on Addison's dad in the beginning. He worked in some old, dirty, run down factory selling every drug in the book for a huge profit. He made all his cash from buying drugs at a low income and them selling them to druggies for tons of cash. Now the factory her dad sold the drugs at is in Bristol, England. That's only about a two hour drive from here. "Jake, I think I know where shes at! Let's head out!" I exclaimed "Aye- aye boss!" 

Addisons pov

"What's that sweetheart? You're in love with that Skylar douche? The one who killed your father?! What are you, some kind of sick freak?" Mort snorted. "I'm not the sick freak, YOU"RE the sick freak!" I yelled in his face. Mort gave him an evil look and smirked, "yeah? Well I don't care. I just want to have a good time..and well you seem like the prefect little lady to give me that good time" he muttered in my ear. Being tied up I couldn't shove him away, I shallow hard and cried "please no don't"

Of course Mort shook his head "No I'm going to enjoy this"...

Skylar pov

Speeding down the road, I raced to save Addison I really hope those creeps don't put their hands on her. "Dude I really hope addsion is okay" I heared Jake say from the passengers seat. I nodded and muttered 'me too'.

*An hour later of driving*

We pulled up to the factory, it looked like an old abandoned warehouse; speeding up to the entrance, I parked the car and run up to the door of the warehouse. Turn the doorknob and nothing happened...

"'s locked" I said turning around to face Jake. "Fuck.. what are we going to do?"

"Let me think"... "These are probably dumber than they look so they had to leave some door or open". Running to the side of the warehouse, I barked orders at Jake to stay put until I get back. Getting to the side of the warehouse I noticed I door slightly opened on the side.

Getting down on all fours to scope out the surroundings, I noticed two medium build looking guys, guarding a door but that's it besides array of boxes scattered across the room. Jumping up back on two feet, I jogged back to Jake to let him know what I discovered.

"So? What did you find?"

"An open door, follow me" Running to where I found the open door, we attempted to open the door more then it was at.

With a huge shove, the door slammed to the top of the roof, making a loud thud noise. Grabbing the attention of the two men previously guarding the door are now running towards us at full speed. Quickly tossing Jake an double eagle pistol with a silencer on it. Proceeding to pull out my pistol. In two shots being fired, the men went down. The door then opened fast, creating a massive slam noise. Hiding behind shelves of boxes, Jake and I managed to stay hidden.

Two other men appeared over the dead bodies of assuming their gang members. I recongized the two men immediately they worked for Aaron. "Shit m-" Jake started but I covered his mouth. Shush. I mouthed to him. He quickly understood and nodded. The taller looking man look around, then look back down at the bodies.

"Mort, go look for the person who did this, they can't have gotten too far. I'm going to dispose of these bodies. We won't want the others to get suspicious of us".

The dude called 'Mort' ran in the opposite direction of us. While the other one drag out the bodies of his former gang members. Quietly we made our way to the door, hopeful to find Addison in there, alive and unharmed.

Addison was there in the middle of the room tied up. Her clothes were still on and she looked fine.

I managed to untie the robes and get her free.


Shit...turning around I saw the guy who just finished disposing of the bodies of his former gang members. Pushing Addison behind me "What do you want with Addison?" came out my question.

"It's not what I want, it's what her dad wanted"

Confused, I looked over my shoulder at Addison. Deciding i'll ask her about that later because right now we need to get out of here and get her to a safe location. Looking at Jake in the corner of my eye I motion him to get a hold of the guy standing between us and the exit.

Jake tackled the guy to the ground, "RUN!" he said to us. "But Jake-"

"Just GO, get Addison out of here and to a safe place. I'll be fine" he assured me.

Not sure what to do, I grabbed Addison hand. "I'll send someone to help you out dude. I'm not going to leave you hanging" and with that I bolted out the exit. Motion Addison to the open warehouse door and sprinted to the car.

 Sliding over top of the hood to the drivers seat cause well I had to show off a little bit. As sudden as Addison was in the passenger seat, I turned on the engine and did a U-e...

*After a half hour drving in silence*

"You okay?" questioning her. She nodded but didn't speak.

 "Did they..." My words trailed off not able to finish. She faced me with her gorgeous green eyes staring into my soul. "No" she said softly.

Sighing in relief, we finally made back to the hotel.

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