Chapter one: Distance:

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I ran into the woods again, I just need to get away from the Cullen's and mom and dad. Especially Jake. He's been coming around a lot lately, I know that I'm his imprint but he needs to know that it's sometimes annoying. I was standing at the edge of the cliff looking down at the beautiful waterfall. I feel the light breeze at is it was a nice spring day. I can hear the birds flying past as if there was a predator had just chased them away, like when a lion hunts a lamb. I hear an animal coming closely, 'Jake' I thought. "Ness?" He asked, "Yes" I said turning around. "What are you doing out here? You know it's not safe because of other vampires" "Jake, I can protect myself you know?" "I know but it's my job and destiny to protect you too" "uh huh" I sighed irritably. He walked over and stood beside me, "Didn't like the atmosphere?" He asked, "No, I need to get out once in a while" I stated. "I guess you're right" a long silence came upon us. "Your parents are probably worried, we should head back" Jake suggested, I hate to admit it but he's right. "Yeah, lets go" Jake then phased into a wolf and ran off back into the woods, I didn't start running until I couldn't see him in the distance. I walked into the woods and looked back at the cliff, I sighed and ran back. When I got back, Jake was standing beside a tree where the path lead us to my house. I walked past him and he guided me the front door, he opened it for me and we both walked in. I went into the kitchen and he sat on the couch. I got myself a blood bag from the fridge that mom and dad kept for me that was from Carlisle. I opened the lid of the bag and started drinking. "When do you have to go back to Sam?" I asked breaking the awkward silence. "I don't for another hour, why?" "No reason, they said you haven't really been around them lately" I admitted. "Since when do you know?" Jake asked curiously. "I sometimes go there" I stated. "To see how your dads doing, he seems good" "Does your mom and dad know?" "Of course they know" I said mockingly. I put the blood bag in the bin after I was done drinking it. I walked down the hallway to my room and took out a book, walked back into the lounge where Jake still was. I sat down beside him with the book I took out of my room. "Do you mind if I sleep on you?" He asked, he looked very tired. "Sure" I said getting a pillow and placing it on my thighs, he then lay his head down on the pillow and slept. I began to read the first chapter of the book. 'All that glitters is not gold
To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.' I love William Shakespeare's books. He has such an intriguing way of writing. After an hour or so of reading, I began to feel sleepy myself. I put the book on the floor carefully and leaned onto the arm of the couch, and began to sleep. Since the fire was already on it was very cozy, it even started to rain. After an hour of sleeping I heard the door open with little giggles of my mom and dad. My moms heals clicked on the floor along with my dads shoes flowing after. "Is she asleep?" My mom asked, I pretended to be asleep. "Looks like it" my dad said. I felt Jacob sitting up, "Hey Bella, Edward" Jake greeted sleepily. "Hi" my mom said quietly. I heard my dad waking down the hallway. "I gotta go, I wish I could stay longer" Jake stated. "It's fine, thanks for taking care of her today" mom said. As soon as Jake left I opened my eyes and sat up. "Hey" mom said, "Hey" I said. Mom bent down and picked up the book I was reading earlier. She walked down the hallway with my book in her hand, she walked into my room and seconds later exited my room and went in her and dads room. I stood up and went into my room, I switched the lamp on and put my book away that was on my bed. I got dressed into my night wear and walked over to the door and closed it. I got into my bed and switched the light off and went to sleep. After an hour of sleeping I woke up again, 'I can't sleep?' I asked myself. I got out of bed and got the same book I read earlier, I started reading again. Minutes later I smelt Jakes scent, 'What's he doing here?' I thought. I close my book and put it on my night stand, opened my bedroom door and walked down the hallway. The scent was stronger now, I opened the front door and saw him there. "Jake? What are you doing here at this time of night?" "I just need to be away from Sam and the pack right now ok?" He said in annoyance. "Of course, come in" "Do your parents mind?" He asked. "I don't think so, do you wanna sleep on the couch?" "Sure" he said, he then walked to the couch and lay down again. I walked down the hallway and back into my room and back under my covers, and this time I feel like I can sleep.

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