Chapter Eight: Surrounded:

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"They'll turn up Ness" Jake whispered, I was about to say something when we both heard a female taunting voice, "I hope I'm not interrupting an intimate moment" she teased. We turn around and stood up in shock. A medium lengthed ginger haired girl that was about five feet tall was standing in front of the door, smirking. We must have not heard her come in. But, that was impossible. How did we not hear her? We have inhuman hearing... "I'm assuming you have questions such as 'How did she enter without noise?' Or some other questions, they will be answered in time" "What do you want?" Jake asked angrily stepping in front of me protectively. "It's not about what I want, it's about what 'she' would've wanted" she answered, her smirk disappearing as the word "she" slipped out from her mouth. Then I suddenly realized, she was referring to her deceased sister. Victoria. That dad killed years ago. It's Anne... "Anne, I know what my dad has done has hurt you. Your sister was going to kill my mother-" I was cut off "Ah yes Edward Cullen, just the person I want to witness. You wouldn't happen to know where your father is, do you?" She asked in an innocent voice. "No, and if she did she wouldn't tell you!" Jake butted in. Anne gave Jake a disgusted look. "I can't believe your parents let you be around a filthy dog!" Anne said scrunching her face as if she had scene a disgusting creature. Jake just glared at her clenching his fists, wanting to rip her to pieces. "You'll be filthy covered in beast marks if you're not careful with your words!" Jake replied through gritted teeth. Anne just scoffed in annoyance. She walked away from the door and into the kitchen. She picked up a candle that was lit on fire and looked at it curiously. "What a nice little cottage you live in" Anne said putting the candle back down carefully as if it was the most fragile object in the world. "Too bad it will be destroyed, unless you tell me where your father is..." I gasped quietly. "The only thing that will be destroyed is you!" Jake said about to lounge at her. But all of a sudden he screamed in pain and fell to the ground clutching his chest breathing unevenly. My heart starting running a marathon. I gasped and went to is aid. I looked up at Anne, she just gave an expressionless face. "W-what are you doing to him!" I screamed in fear. "Stop!" I pleaded. "Tell me where your father is!" She hissed at me in annoyance. "You heard him, I don't know!" I cried. All of the sudden the door burst open and Anne was pinned against the wall with dad's hand around her throat, leaving a dent in the wall. It all happened in a flash. Jake was then miraculously healed and stood up gasping for air and I quickly hugged him. "Edward, stop" I heard Carlisle's voice. We all turned towards the door. Carlisle gave me an apologetic look, my mom was behind him she ran to me and Jake and hugged us. I cried once again. "I'm so happy you're ok!" I exclaimed. Jacob hugged me and mom back, we stayed like this for what seemed like forever. My mom and dad dragged Anne out of the house, we were listening to what Carlisle was saying to Anne and mom and dad. We stood in the door way with nomads standing everywhere outside. I counted at least thirty, maybe more. "Anne, why are you here?" Carlisle asked again for the billionth time, " To kill your so called son" Anne replied almost whispering. "We don't want to hurt you Anne" mom said in a civilised voice. "But if you enter our territory and our cottage without permission and threaten our daughter by endangering her lovers life, what is there to not hurt?" Me and Jake looked at each other shocked, how did she know? "Bella's correct, now you can either walk away and never come back or we sadly end  all of you" Carlisle's voice was steady and sympathetic, not to mention calm. "We can't say we're deeply sorry, but we really don't want to hurt you Anne" my mother's voice was sympathetic. Anne looked at me and Jake then back to Carlisle. "This isn't the end.." Anne stated and ran off into the woods with all the nomads close behind. Mom and dad turned to Carlisle with worried faces, Carlisle have a slight smile and ran off too the Cullens residence. Mom and dad turned toward us and gave us crooked smiles, I swear we both gulped...

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