Chapter Three: Feelings:

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I woke up and stared at the ceiling, I tried to fall back asleep but just couldn't. I looked at the digital clock on my nightstand, six o'clock in the morning. Usually I'd wake up around seven, there's no point in trying to go back to sleep. I got up, opened my bedroom door. Walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, I sat down at the kitchen table just staring at the floor, I don't know why but every time Jakes not around I don't feel at ease. Why am I feeling this way? All of a sudden I just, miss him. I wonder when he'll come around, I see him everyday. I found myself just staring at the floor, waiting for something to happen. I heard my mom and dad walk down the hallway, "Hey Renesmee, your up awfully early" mom said. "Yeah, I don't know why exactly" I stated. "I just really miss him" I admitted, "Jake? You see him everyday" "I know, I just feel weird when he's not around" "What do you feel?" "Anxious when he's not around, I just have butterflies around him too. I can't have a normal conversation without feeling, weird." "Sounds like you, like him. Like like him" mom said, she gave me a little but of a worried look. By covering up with a straight face. You could just hear the worry in her voice. "Just be careful around him" dad said, "If you get too close, he probably wouldn't necessarily mean too. He might-" "Edward" mom said, they glared at each other for a second. "Jakes coming around to take you to the Cullen's house for another lesson, ok?" Mom said, "Ok" I responded. They both walked out of the house, they had business in town. I got up from the table and walked down the hallway again, and into my room. I went to my dresser and picked my clothes to wear today. I packed my bag with my favourite book a long with my work books. After I was done getting ready, I sat on my bed and just waited. After a few minutes of waiting, I smelled Jakes scent. I felt myself getting nervous. Ok, time to go. I walked out of my room and down the hallway. I opened the front door and he was standing outside waiting for me. "Hey Ness" he greeted, "Hey Jake" I greeted back. "Ready to go?" He asked, "As ready as I'll ever be" I said, be nodded and we both walked into the woods.

As the weeks past, my feelings that I felt were getting stronger. I wasn't sure about him. I was worried that I'll be left behind if I told him what I was feeling. "Hey Ness?" Jake asked as we were just taking a stroll in the woods together. "Yes?" I answered. "Lately, I don't know how to word this. I'll try to be as clear as I can" he began, I felt my heart to begin to race. "These past few weeks have been confusing to me, not only are they confusing they feel real. Every time I see you or talk to you or even think of you I get nervous" he said looking down. "It's the same with me" I said. He looked up at me with a bit of surprise, "I didn't say anything, because I thought it was weird" I said running my arms up and down nervously. Now I was extremely shaky. "I told mom and she thinks..." I paused. "She thinks I like like you" "...Do you?" "...Yeah..." "I don't have the words..." "Me either..." there was a long pause, "What now?..." I asked. "I don't know.." he said. He walked over to me and hugged me as gently as he could. I hugged back awkwardly, we stayed like that for a few minutes. "Where do you wanna go? Back to your place?" He asked. I nodded. He intertwined his hand with mine and we started to walk back to my house.

So this is what love feels like.

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