Chapter two: At ease:

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I wake up to the smell of eggs being made, mom must be up. Why would she cook eggs for me? I sit up and walk to my door, I still smelt Jakes scent, couldn't stay away huh? I open my door and walk down the hallway, and as expected mom was in the kitchen cooking eggs while Jake sat at the kitchen table looking tired. "Morning Ness" Jake greeted, I can hear the quietist growl coming from my mom. "Hey Jake" I greeted back. "Morning mom" I greeted. "Morning" she said back quietly trying not to sound irritated. I heard Jake get up and walk to the bathroom. A minute or so later he came back out, mom had left to go and hunt with dad. The eggs were on the table waiting for him. "Before you ask, mom and dad left to go hunt" "Right" Jake said looking at me like he had done something he shouldn't have. He sat at the table and began to eat. "Not having any?" He asked, "No, I prefer to drink human blood" "Don't wanna be like your parents?" He asked. "I've had animal blood before, but I don't like it. Mom and dad thinks it cruel to feed directly from the vein, I don't blame them." I stated. "So you can eat human food?" Jake clarified. "Yeah, I just don't choose to" I said. "Have you ever considered eating human food?" He asked. "I only eat food around people like, humans" I said. "I've never seen you around other humans" He said. "That's because I'm hardly around them with you" I stated. "True" he said. "What do you wanna do today?" He asked after he was done eating. "I was thinking about walking in the woods again, I don't know why exactly" mom and dad should be ok with it right? I thought. The door opened and mom came back wiping a little blood off her face with her hanker chief. "Renesmee, since the weekends over it's time to school you again at the Cullen house" mom said. Oh shoot! I should've realized. "Ok" said. "Go get dressed, Jake could you walk her there" mom asked. "Sure no problem" Jake said. I walked off down the hallway then into my room. I found what I wanted to wear and put them on. I packed some books into my red bag  along with my work books and walked out ready to go. Jake was standing by the front door, he opened it and let me walk past first. He closed the door after he walked out. I started walking into the woods with him behind me, "How did you sleep last night?" I asked breaking the silence. "Good, you?" "I slept good, before you came over last night I couldn't sleep for some reason. You make me feel at ease when you're around" "That's good?" He questioned. "Yeah" we continued to walk in silence to the Cullen's house. In a few minutes we finally arrived, "I gotta go back to Sam, see you very soon" Jake said turning around to leave. "Ok, bye" I said waving, he waved back and phased and ran off back into the woods. I walked up the stairs to the two front doors, I let myself in and walked up the stairs. "Hi Renesmee, you're only twenty minutes early" Carlisle said greeting me. "Hey Carlisle" I said putting my stuff down on the little table in the living room. "You pretty much need two more exams from here and you're free to go to college with us" he said. "But I've only done one, don't I need four?" I asked unsurely. "Not necessarily" Carlisle said. "The college we're going to only requires three exams to get in" "Oh, I thought I'd need more exams to get in" I said relieved. "No, just in some cases" he said. "I'm just going out to hunt, do what you please in the mean time" he said leaving. "Ok" I responded. I got one of my books out and started reading, I got so hooked into the book that when I smelled Jakes scent I became slightly annoyed. I put my book back into my bag and went down stairs to see Jake outside the two front doors of the Cullen's house. I opened the door and let him in. "Where's Carlisle?" He asked. "He's just out hunting" "Ok" we both walked up stairs and sat in the living room. We sat in silence for another few minutes until I heard the two front doors open. It was Carlisle. We heard him walking up the stairs. "Sorry that took long as I expected" he said. "Let's begin, shall we?" He asked. "Of course" I said.

After having another session of revision for the next exam is was time to go back home. We both existed the Cullen's house and walked into the woods. "How are you doing on your revision test?" Jake asked breaking the silence. "I guess, good. I think I only got two questions wrong today, so I guess I'm getting better" I answered. "That's good, what college are you all going to?" "They haven't decided yet, they have over a month to decide" I said. "Doesn't it bother you that you can't go to a real middle school like other normal teenagers?" He asked. "Not really, I don't have to deal with that fact now that I'll have to control my cravings" I said. "I guess that's true, what about the college you're going to?" I don't know yet, but I don't have to worry right now. I mean, I have a month to get my cravings under control and my revisions" I stated. "I'm sure I'll be fine" I said. "Yeah" he said. We walked for a few more minutes and finally reached the pathway to my house. "Are you staying again? Or going back to Sam?" The moon reflected onto his face along with the lights on each side of the pathway. "I'll probably stay again, but I should go back" he said. "Ok, thanks for walking me to and from the Cullen's place" I said thanking. "No problem Ness" Jake said walking me right up to the front door. "Bye Ness" Jake said "Bye Jake" I said saying goodbye. He ran down the path way, phased and then ran off into the woods. I opened the door and walked in my mom and dad were on the couch reading books. "Hey Renesmee, How was your session?" Mom asked, "It was good, I have another exam coming up, then one more after that" "Are you doing well?" Mom asked. "Yeah, I only got two questions wrong today. I think I'm improving" "That's really good to hear" mom said. "Well done Renesmee" dad said. "Thanks dad" I said waking down the hallway and into my room. I hung my bag up into the hooks on my wall, I took all the books out that I packed. As well as my work books and put them on my dresser, I switched my light next to my bed on. I changed into comfy clothes, and got one of my books and sat on my bed and stated reading. I heard a little bit of thunder and it started raining. So peaceful. I read few more pages and stated to get sleepy. I put my book onto my desk and got under my covers, I switched my light off and went to sleep with the calming thunder storm being my lullaby.

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