Chapter three! ☝✌

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me and bella followed as they all went on stage, I stopped not wanting to interrupt their rehersal. Harry then slowy turned around and grabbed our hands pulling us on to the stage. "what are we doing harry?" I asked and he looked at me smiling the sweetest smile ever. "harry your gonna get me in trouble" I whispered lightly enough for him to still hear. "harry to the front and center" some lady who I assumed was in their management yelled. She then noticed me and told me to leave the stage, so I started walking off when harry jerked me back, "she can sing with us" he shouted. my heart dropped as he said the one thing that makes me shy. "your a singer?" the lady asked. "no ma'am I'm not" I said politely pulling my arm from harry. how did he know I could sing? I thought. "can me and Krista be alone for a while?" Harry asked as everyone but Bella, knodded and walked away. "how did you know I could sing?" I shouted at him. "you sang man in the mirror to me" he said back. "well I dont sing in public" I replied. as I turned around to walk away he stopped me,turned me on my heels and said "sing with me now then" "no harry, you dont understand." "im the only one here, its just me"

something came over me as the music to keri hilson's song buyou came on and I couldnt help my self. Harry was all that was in my mind and I never once thought of the out side world. He handed me the mic saying "its not in public" my Body automatically went with it, as if I was dancing at school. "see this is what I like to call buyou music, you better buyou a car, you better buyou a phone, and you better buyou somewhere to stay or ima walk right buyou" I said starting out the song. I was singing foreal infront of somebody. That never has happened to me, I felt real like this would be me for the rest of the life. wishing I could just stay here singing and dancing with him my entire life. when suddenly the music stopped, and I hear an applause. did people hear me sing? and actually like it? all these thoughts were hitting my head like bricks. louis stepped up first "you are an incredible singer" then liam "amazing". zayn gave me a highfive before getting pushed by niall. " You can dance!" Niall screemed. "I hope so, dance is a big part of my life." I said in reply. "she can sing just have her ready by tonight. Harry her performance is in your hands" the lady said. "yay" they all shouted hugging me. Harry noticed I wasnt to excited and whispered "your in my hands" which made everything a whole lot better but I still wasnt sure I wanted to sing infront of a crowd. Bella came screaming in the room like a crazy person mocking everyone's reaction. The lady then told Harry that I was replaced by the little one and Harry picked Bella up and started spinning. I practiced for a while with the boys until I got a message from Jeremy saying to bring Bella Home. I told the boys we were leaving and harry ran after us. "can I go?" he asked. "sure but why?" I replied happy as could be. "your gonna need an explanation for coming back to atlanta tonight, remember your in my hands" he said as we walked to the car and got in I buckled bella in her car seat and we were off. "so where exactly are we going?" he asked "bellas mom and daddy just got home with the new baby ellie, so Im taking her there, then were going to my house so I can get a shower" I replied. the ride was alot of fun we listened to music the entire way but tried not to sing, since we had a show tonight, I was as nerves as I could be. But I couldnt let harry down. He was one of my rolemodels plus I felt something for him that I have never felt for anyone before. we arrived at Bella's I heard debby unlock the door as I knocked. "who is this?" she said looking at harry. " this is harry, hes a friend" I said as we walked in the house. "well nice to meet you harry" she said closing the door. "nice to meet you to" he replied with his deep british accent. "Is this harry from that band?" she said as calm as she could and we all just knodded. "well Its Very nice to meet you then, would you like to see ellie, Krista?" she asked. "I would love to but We really gotta get going." I repied as she handed me baby el. I couldnt let go she was a perfect mixture of her parents and somewhat looked like me with her green eyes, just like mine. Harry looked down at the baby whispered something in her ear as I gave her back to debby kissing her on the cheek. we barely got out of the door when debby came out asking us if we were an item. I looked at harry as he looked at me and we were both silent. "no" I said before walking to the car and speeding off. as we were going up my driveway harry asked me if my family was going to be home and quite frankley I didnt know. my dad probably has a game tonight and my brother never comes home anymore. so I just replied "who knows" and carried on up the drive way. as we got there I noticed Daddy leaving in his Black camero. "where are you going?" I asked my dad. "Game tonight, you going?" "no but I'll be in atlanta." He seemed to be very interested in meeting harry so I Interrduced them. as my dad gave him a death stare that obvisiosly meant touch my daughter and your face wont be that pretty any more. "nice to meet you" harry said holding out his hand daddy shook his hand and drove off. "he seems nice" he said jokenly. "he is when he doesnt have a game but, well hes competitive" I said unlocking my house door. "what are all these trophies?" harry asked making his way to the trophie cabinet. "that is my family achievements" I said walking up behind him. he seemed amazed, as he pointed at the baseball cards. "all pod those are your dad?" he asked "yeah, there was 10 of them but I brought it to show in tell when I was younger with out asking, and someone stole it. My dad still hasn't forgiven me."

"can't you just get another?"

"that's the problem only 3 of those cards exist in the world"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and patted me on the back.


"come to my room" I said gesturing him up stairs as he followed me. "Im gonna take my shower and you can stay in here or in my brothers room across the hall" I said entering my bathroom. I took my shower feeling more relaxed then ever. harry was being so quite I almost forgot he was there. then I heard a "thud" something fell. I through my robe on top of me as I opened my door running to my brothers room. There Harry was placing my brothers football back on the wall were it usally stayed. "what happened?" I asked screaming. "the ball fell so I had to put it back" he said smiling sweetly. he looked like a child. "okay your not allowed in here any more" I said grabbing his hand pulling him into my room. "thats a nice robe I fill very welcome" he said winking. "just get out so I can change" I replied. "I'm not allowed anywhere else, remember?" he said smirking. he then burried his head in my cover. "I cant see you" he shouted. "good stay like that" I said removing my robe putting on my black underwear, and macthing bra. harry mumbled to were I couldnt hear him and when I asked what he said he shot up looking at me. "why is the football so valuble?" he asked as I screamed from him looking up when I was still in my undre gaurements "HARRY" I shouted. in which he replied with a calm, simple "what?" he suddenly picked me up bridal style and took me down stairs. I shouted and kicked to where It became hopeless. I then started laughing at his concentration face. I had no Idea where he was taking me in my own home untill he opened the back door. we were heading for my pool and he through me in removing his clothes down to his boxers telling me they were optional. then he jumped in swimming towards me as I swam away. he chased me all the way to the big waterfall. my favorite part of the pool under the waterfall is a cave. He finally grabbed my hand. pulling me closer to him. he sat me up on the edge of the pool moving his body inbetween my legs, Kissing me on the lips which slowely moved to my neck. I pulled him up helping him out of the water onto me. we stayed there kissing until I heard my phone ring I slowley pushed him off and ran my hand through his curls. who could be interupting this, his kiss was like nothing I have ever felt I never wanted to leave that moment, I got to my phone, noticing it was an alarm telling me we needed to leave I dashed up stairs pulling on clothes. Harry told me there was a hair stylest waiting on me so we dashed to the car towards the arena. when we finally got there we noticed tons of girls outside and some reconized harry, hitting my windows. we walked in the back were Paul was waiting rushing us in, "what took so long" paul asked. we looked at eachother for an excuse. "harry broke my brothers ball" I said. " I didnt brake it. It fell" harry said playing along. paul took me to my own dressing room and as fast as I walked in people were working on me. asking me what I wanted to wear and when. showing me clothes. then a lady with blonde hair walked in, she had a british accent. "hello, harry sent me here to do your hair, my names lou" she said sweetly. as she did my hair she told me all about harry and how funny he was. with in an hour I was dressed, ready to go. They had to do soundcheck with out me and harry. due to our lateness so it was showtime harry walked in the dressing room telling me I looked beautiful. this man handed us both mics and I could hear the crowd, my knees got weak and I was extremely scared. harry must have noticed because he grabbed my face kissing me on the lips one big time saying "pretend its just you and me" grabbing my hand puting it in his,as we walked on stage to screaming fans, the spot light hit me for the first time in my life the spot light was not comforting, this time I was nervous.

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