Chapter eight! ✌✌✌✌

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There were 2 sofas in the studio infront of the audience. Zayn, Louis, and Liam sat on one and me, Harry and Niall sat on the other. The interviewer of course sat on a nice chair. Her name was lisa, we begin chatting before the show began. As the audience shouted at the boys, and also started singing songs.

we were all told to hush as the red light came on and Lisa begin speaking. "good evening, I am pleased to tell you all, that we have the biggest boyband in the world here with us, but not only them, but also their new tour mate, give it up for one direction" the audience screamed their lungs out at that point. "so krista this is your first interview with the boys?"

She asked. "yes, I can't believe I'm here" I said. "so what's it like having a girl on the bus?". Liam answered her by saying "it's alittle different but we get along with her really well and she's quite funny" Louis then interrupted "she's our new curly" harry glared at him as we all laughed.

She begin asking about new songs and things like that, until she asked the one question that I didn't exactly have an answer for. "so we hear you and a certain member of the band have a bit of romance going on". "uhh" was all I could get out as I looked around at the boys. Who were staring intently at me. Nialls eyes were like puppy dogs looking at me then Harry, then at the ground. "well would you and Harry like to explain this picture to us?"

A picture of me and Harry kissing came up on the screen behind us. A bunch of whistles came from the boys as Louis said "do explain, curlys"

I looked at Harry who was looking back at me. "we are uhh kissing at McDonalds" Harry said smiling. "oh just a normal day of passionately kissing in McDonalds?" she asked. "that not passionate" Harry said before mumbling "we've had our share of those" to me. "Harry you realize you have a mic on, right mate?" Zayn asked. "so this isn't the first kiss?!" Niall said with a bit of anger.

"um.. Well.." Harry stuttered. "we have kissed before this yes, as for this kiss. A bunch of people were chanting 'kiss her' and Harry hates disappointing his fans" I said trying to clear things up and save the interview. "tell us about the other kisses" uhhh I thought we were off this! "well have pretty shoes" I replied trying to change the subject.

She got right back on it. "so are you two dating?" Harry answered. "we're still getting to know each other, but who knows what the future holds?" I smiled at his answer. Lisa then let us know that the time was up so we said our good byes and walked off.

We went straight to the van where me and Harry got loads of questions. Louis kept asking why we never told him, but Before I could reply to him Harry did so, saying "I thought that If I told someone it would jinks my chances of her liking me back" I thought it was sweet but how did he know I liked him, I wondered. "who says I like you back?" I asked Harry trying to look as serious as possible. "you did. At McDonalds..member?" Harry gave me fake puppy dog eyes, but nothing like nialls were earlier. "I lied" i winked at Harry, who tackled me, tickling my sides and neck. "HARRY STYLES! Quit! " I shouted. "Tell me you love me" Harry shouted still tickling me. He makes the most determined faces sometimes. I finally found away to get up, and I started singing. "tell me what I wanna hear, tell me you love me" I sang the jb lyrics across the bus as harry started singing along but screeching instead of singing. We had our own mini concert on the bus as Harry picked me up and spun me around. We hardly even noticed the bus stop at the arena we were about to play, we were parked backstage were the screaming girls wouldn't attack the boys.

We all got out of the bus running inside behind paul. We made our way on stage for sound check. A few fans were already there, but I doubt Harry even noticed because he was to busy trying to annoy me by poking at my side, or tickling me, or messing up my hair. It didn't really bother me to much though, Harry was slowly becoming a best friend of mine.

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