"I like you as a cheeky dork. "

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Matt POV

Maybe I liked Logan.

Maybe I was tired.

Maybe I liked she wasn't wearing makeup.

Maybe I was really tired.

She was so much different then the last girl I had dated.

The last girl I had dated wore lots of make up. She had a girly giggle and wore accessories. Her hair was blond and slightly damaged from bleaching it. She was never seen in public without short shorts or a skirt. I liked her, though.

Now, here I was admiring a girl who wore no make up. Made naturally weird faces when she laughed. Her hair was in a braid and wasn't wearing earrings or a necklace. Why was I attracted to her. She just looked like a regular girl who didn't get the memo that what she was wearing wasn't what everyone else popular was.

If anything, I'd be attracted to her friend Peyton. Tall, pretty, a lot like my last girlfriend, so why this sudden change in heart? In my mind.

Maybe I was super tired.

After Magcon was over, I had grown the balls to talk to her.

"Hey, Logan. "

"Oh hey Matt!" She replied happily. She stumbled a little and looked down at her untied shoelaces. "Aw boo. One sec. " She added before kneeling down to tie her shoes. This was slightly awkward for me. Do I talk to her even though she was kneeling. Awkwardly talk the to empty space where she was supposed to be? I just looked down and creepily admired her. Her hair looked so soft and the bandana wrapped around her head brought out the deep shade of black her hair was.

Ew. Stop Matt. That's creepy.

Shoes. They were two different colors. Her left shoe was a purplish blue color and her right was camouflage designed.

"Why different shoes?"

"Hm? " She looked up from her vans.

"Why two different pairs of shoes you know. One from one pair, one from another?"

"It kinda represents me. I can be one thing when I wanna but when I don't, I'm not. " She answered as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. I smiled when she said this. It was cheesy, yes, but when she said it. It made me feel like I knew something different about her. Something that none of the other guys knew. It was the small advantage I would use.

"So. " I drawled awkwardly.

"So this is what being in MAGCON feels like? What do you guys do after?"

"Hang out. Usually at the hotel. Do stupid guy stuff that almost gets use kicked out, arrested, killed. " Her eyes bulged out of her face.

"Right, because you guys would do something to get yourself killed. "

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You never do anything bad. You guys hide behind the good boy act and goof off. Nothing arresting worthy. "

"Eh. I don't need to be arrested so why should I be affected by your words. " I countered slyly.

"Good point. " I gave her a cheeky smiled. "Don't be a bad boy. I like you as a cheeky dork. "

"I am not a dork. " I replied rubbing my chest like her words hurt my heart.

"Yes you are. " She sang mockingly. "You're my cheeky Mattchew. "

I looked away so she couldn't see my huge smile. It was the kind of smile where even if you tried to hide it, you would look constipated.

"Let's go. The rest of the guys are probably waiting. "

She looked me straight in the eyes not loosing eye contact and nodded. She grabbed my hand and pulled me past the elevators, to the stairs.

"I heard you don't like elevators. " She laughed.


The hotel room was crowded. Apparently, some of the guys invited some fans to hangout after MAGCON. Nash brought this girl named Morgan who seemed to not wanna stop crying, Cam was talking/flirting all night wit a girl who looked uncomfortable names Jackie, and Hayes was getting it on with her little sister, April. Was that weird? Yeah. He's only 13.

"Truth or Dare?" Taylor offered. We all agreed of course.

"I'll go first. " Taylor said. "Logan. " She smiled and looked up deep in thought.

"Dare. "

"Lick Sammy's foot. " Logan cringed.

"That should be counted for unusual punishment. " She joked. Sammy looked around nervously and lifted his foot up. Logan did the dare and afterwards went to wash out her mouth. This gave me time to look around the room. I checked the guys eyes for any sparks of emotion for Logan. My only competition seemed to be Taylor or Jack Gilinsky. Their faced not 100% readable, so I decided not to worry.

"Dillon. "

"Dare. "

"Kiss Taylor. Mouth only. "

Dillon and Taylor exchanged an uneasy glance. They went in fast and the their face were puckered like sucking on a lemon.

It was so fast, but lucky for them. Logan, Johnson, Carter, and I had it recorded.

"Morgan. "

"Truth. "

"Who's your favorite MAGCON boy?"

"It was Cam. But not anymore. I'm officially on team Nash. " The tension was palpable. The death glare continued between Cam and Morgan for reasons only Morgan seemed to know.

"Jackie. "

"Truth. "

"Tell us a secret. Preferably one about the guys. "

"IneberaskedCamtoprom. " She sighed out. All eyes turned to Jackie. Then Cam. Then Jackie. Jackie looked as if the weight of the world was lifted off of her, but Cam's stare was bringing her back down.


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