And Now You're

31 5 9

April POV

The house was empty since my parents weren't home and Jackie was outside with a floppity jillion hour call to Nash were they would laugh and giggle and be a disgusting cute couple.

There was a moment that passed that I didn't think of Hayes.

Or if the decision I made was the right one.

As time went on, I realized it was the wrong one.

Well. Too f**king late.

I plopped on the couch with my bag of popcorn and soda and turned on the tv. Like any normal teenager, I was on my phone while simultaneously listening to the TV, like a boss.

I opened the Vine app and was a little apprehensive when the first thing I saw was Hayes' name. (1 Leah)

"Hey guys! Go check out my new youtube video I just posted. Don't forget to leave it a like and subscribe. The link is down below. Love you all!"

After a mini war with my brain, I ended up watching the video.

To be completely honest, I was pleasantly surprised. It was a Ask Hayes video but the whole time, not once did I think he acted like Nash.

I was so proud.

It was very arrogant for me to say, but a part of me thought that his actions were because of me, and that made me smile.

"That's all, guys. " Hayes laughed. "Thanks for watching but before I go. April, if you're out there? One: I'm sorry for embarrassing you like this. Two: I'm sorry for everything. Please call me. " The screen went black after I locked my phone.

No. No. Why the hell would he do that. He's crazy. On a youtube video?

I groaned and kicked the table next to the couch.

Should I call him?

Yes! Who wouldn't!

No! Who would!

Me. I would. I quickly dialed his number and pressed the green call button.

The phone rang once. Twice. Three times. Four.....five.....six?

"Hey. Leave a message. "

I quickly hung up. What was I gonna say anyway? "Hey, Hayes. It's me. April. I guess you already knew that since called ID... But I just saw you're youtube video. It was really good! So, uh, yeah. Call me back?" All which would be said in a squeaky nervous voice that only dogs would be able to hear.

Just, call again.

In the time it took for Hayes to answer, so I had time to plan my words correctly.

I was gonna say, Hayes, I just saw your video and I'm sorry for what I did. I never gave you the chance to hear my secret from me. I am so proud of you, though, for finally getting the courage to show the whole fan base how amazing of person you are and not Nash.

That sounded perfect. I was ready.

"Hello?" Hayes voice sounded from the phone. The call made his voice a little higher than usual but it was still distinguishable that it was him.

"Hi. It's me. April. " I squeaked and afterwards, cleared my throat. Now it was time to say my little speech.

"Uh.....umm....Secrets are from me and I never let that...wait no. Uhh... I am proud that Nash isn't you. Hold on, that's not right. " I sighed exasperated.

"April? Are you ok?" His chuckled were audible and I mentally slapped myself for failing at my apology.

"I'm fine. I'll just paraphrase what I was gonna tell you." (2 Leah)


"I'm sorry. I left before saying goodbye and telling you that I have cancer and was bald. It was just, you were talking about self acceptance and I felt out of place and a hypocrite for being there and lecturing you about something I can't do. " I sighed.



"I think I heard you doorbell. "

"What? Why the hell would to bring up my doorbell?! I'm spilling me emotions to you, damn it. " I snapped.

"Just check. " Hayes snapped back.

I walked down the hallway to the door. Did Jackie lock herself out again? And the heck did Hayes know?

Why was this so hard to figure out? There was no conceivable (3 Leah) answer or logical explanation of why I would be walking to my front door while on the phone with Hayes who last time I checked, was in Houston for an event.

I opened the door and looked at the person standing there.

I slammed it shut again.

"Wow. I'm slow. " I spoke to myself. I reopened the door to reveal a dorky smiled Hayes.

I launched myself on to him in a huge bear hug and kissed his cheek.

"You are so beautiful. " He chuckled.

His words gave me total fangirl feelings. It was like the whole Leo and Calypso love feelings all over again (Book reference) and I was living their romance.

Hayes' hand then reached for my hair as if to stroke it but then pulled off my wig completely.

"Now, you're gorgeous. "


I know it's a short chapter but I felt the need to give this story closure. Love you guys. Vote, comment, share!

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