We just stole a car.

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Jackie POV

I tried to relax, but let's be honest. I was a nervous wreck.

This was my dilemma.

1. I just spend a whole day with Nash.

Problem: What if that was it? What if that was one my one miracle and nothing ever good ever happens to me again?

2. I couldn't remember anything from last night.

Problem: I couldn't remember anything from last night.

I was shaking like crazy from over thinking during all of MAGCON. I was wearing a summer dress since it was so hot which I was I was crimping from nervousness.

I was in line to meet Taylor which felt weird. I just spent a day with him and got his number. Would it be messed up to be standing here?

Lucky for me, I didn't meet Taylor because the hour was up. The boys all rushed to the stage for the 3 time today.

"Hey everyone!" Carter yelled into the microphone. All the girls in the room screamed and April and I covered our ears. The only way, really, to avoid going deaf. "So everyone knows the lip gloss dance, right?!" The crowd once again bursting into a deafening high pitched roar. "Of course you guys do, so each of us are coming into the crowd to choose some of you guys to dance on stage. Hows that sound!" With that the boys all jumped into the crowd. The next 10 minutes, or so, was pretty scary. Girls were pushing and shoving to be the ones chosen. April and I were freaking out and holding on to our stuff praying that it wouldn't fall and be lost in the swarm. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked behind me.

"Hey. " Cam said with a huge smile. "Come up on stage with me. " I nodded and looked back at April who was being pulled in the other direction with Hayes. I made it to the stage and the music was starting to play. There was a lot of girls on the stage and Logan even found a boy to dance with her.

I was relived that my experience with the boys wasn't over but I couldn't shake the fact that all the girls and boys in that crowd would kill for where I was. I didn't really good.

Morgan was also on stage and I couldn't help a pang of jealousy. Cam gave Morgan limited edition, one and only Cameron Dallas merch. Hoping for Nash to give me anything was a longggg shot and way to optimistic, but hey, a girl can dream.

We all danced on the stage and the whole auditorium rumbled from the movement.

The whole scene was a dream. Then it was taken over by a weird nightmare. The whole auditorium filled with sulfur smelling fumes. I started coughing and so did everyone else. The security guards had to open all the emergency exits to let all fans, celebrities, and anyone out. Our MAGCON was cut short because of an apparently toxic gas that was strangly leaked into the event. Everyone was ordered to go back to the hotel rooms, but the boys had a different idea.

Logan POV

I felt two arms loop around my waist as I was pulled out of the toxic building.

My first thought was a crazy fan, but when I turned my head, I was greeted with Matt's brown/blonde wispy hair.

"Matt! What are you doing. " I laughed.

"Just saving the damsel in distress. " He said in a deep voice like a superhero would.

"Aww. Thanks. But my legs are fine, I can walk by myself. "

"Neverrr. Your legs will never touch the ground. " Matt joked. He then lifted me off the ground bridal style. "I'm a pony!" He said galloping.

Slowly, I felt Matt's arms and my knees drift far away and I landed on a hard, concrete surface.

"You dropped me!" I gasped pretending to be super surprised. "How could you so such a thing!"

"Shit. Sorry, Logan. "

"It's fine. " I laughed. I walked with him and we met up with Nash, Cam, Carter, Aaron, Taylor, Shawn, Morgan, April, Hayes, Jackie, Gilinsky, Johnson, and Sammy.

"So MAGCON will be postponed apparently. " Sammy informed.

"What are we supposed to do in San Francisco?"

"Let's go to the russian river!" I offered. The drive wasn't far at all and it wS close to wear Peyton was so I could invite her go hang.

The boys all agreed instantaneously and we returned to the hotel to get things. We decided we were going to stop by the market for food so all we needed was clothes. I ended up wearing a baby green bikini, shorts, and a tank top. I also grabbed my only MAGCON sweater and stuffed it in my bag.

I headed for the lobby with Morgan who changed in my room and was also invited. Jackie and April would be there and the boys were all good with Peyton coming.

"So. We have 4 cars. Jack Gilinsky, Cam, and Taylor can drive. " Nash added up. "There's like 15 of us?"

"Peyton is driving herself and if we split it up that's about 5 people in each car. " I answered.

"I'll take Nash, Jackie, April, Carter, and Matt." Cam started.

"I can take Sammy, Morgan, Dillion, Jacob, and Aaron" Taylor called. He slung his arm around Morgan and they awkwardly snuggled. I wasn't jealous it was just:

Cameron Jacket + Morgan = Cam and Morgan thing

"That leaves me with Shawn, Johnson, Hayes, Logan, and I. " Gilinsky smiled. We all agreed and went into the parking lot. After giving them all the address we all loaded into the car. Cam was going to the store with his car to get food while we all went ahead to get a good spot at the jumping rock.

"Anyone seen the rental car keys?" Gilinsky called out. We all shook our heads and he sighed. "I think it's this one?" We all climbed in and Gilinsky picked up the keys on the dash board. "I must of left them?" He concluded and started the engine.

"I don't know bro. This looks different."

"We've been in tons of rental cars. It's the same. "

Shawn started rummaging through the pockets. He was to the right of me and Hayes was to the left. All three of us were in the back seat.

"Sh*t. " Gilinsky yelled. We all startled looked up. "This isn't our car!"

"How do you know?" I asked. Johnson pointed to the cup holder that he pulled out. It was filled with some one's wallet with the ID of a man and his family.

"You know what that means?" Johnson said picking up his phone. "We just stole a car!"

"Look! I didn't mean to!" Gilinsky laughed.

That's when hell broke loose.

"We just stole a f**king car!" Hayes screamed.

"Look! We're gonna take it back!" Gilinsky defended. "I'm not driving. "

"I'll drive. " Shawn spoke up.

"No! You don't even have license. " Gilinsky laughed even louder. "I'll drive. I'll drive. No one talk about this again. "

We all nodded in a silent fashion. That. Happened.

Then we all started laughing. I liked this memory. I liked Jack Gilinsky.

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