Pulled the Trigger

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Morgan's POV

I groaned as I woke up to the incessant blaring of my alarm on my phone. I fumbled to find it next to my bed and knocked it off the bedside table.

"God damn it," I grumbled, pushing my head off of cushy pillow. I leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed my phone, tempted to throw it at the wall, but settled for unlocking it.

I pushed back the covers and walked over to my closet, choosing a pair of black denim shorts and an oversized, loose tank top. The usual morning ritual was a second nature to me. I could easily zone out but continue to drone along the familiar movements by muscle memory.

A reasonable 15 minutes later, I was out the door for school with a bowl of cereal fresh in my stomach.

I blasted my usual morning wake up songs including 'Tides' and 'Could You Be The One'. My jams.

School seemed so ordinary it hurt to remember that the life I had for 4 glorious days was what Cameron lived every day.

"Watch where you're going, retard!" A low voice grunted. I looked to my right to see two seniors in football jerseys yelling at another senior. He was typically seen as an 'easy target' for bullying with his lack of physical fitness but I felt bad for him.

"Try not to cry this time, p***y. " the other guy intimidated. I looked at the ground averting my eyes for Brandon's sad ones. I hated to see him be bullied and I feel like they bullied Brandon on a daily basis. This time, I wouldn't stand by.

"Hey!" I shouted. I walked over to them furiously and was toe to toe with the senior was at least a head taller than me.

"What, princess." My eye slightly twitched.

"Don't call him those names because if we are name calling, I can do the same to you, stupid. "

"Oh 'stupid'. Good one. " He chuckled.

I had raised my binder to slap that miserable smirk of his face but Brandon has put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me back.

"It's not worth it. " Brandon whispered. "Just let it go. "

I gave Brandon a deep look to check if he really meant it and nodded. I put my binder down and looped my arm in Brandon's and we walked down the hall in the opposite direction.

"Thanks. " Brandon smiled shyly.

"I didn't even do anything. " I laughed. "You told me not to. "

"Yes. " Brandon agreed. "But no one has stood up for me for 4 years I have gone to school and I'm just grateful one person did. Saying something to acknowledge my existence was good enough for me. "

"Aw. Brandon. Don't say that. You're a wonderful person that I'm sure a lot of people care about. "

Brandon just scoffed.

"Well if you cant think of any reason, just known that I want you here. " I smiled. Brandon blushed slightly.

"Thanks Morgan. You have know idea how happy I am to have a friend. And what you just said, it was beautiful. "

"You're very welcome. "

"What period do you get out?"

"5th, why?"

"Good. Leave as soon as you can. Do not stay to 6th period. "

"Why not?"

"Just please. For me. " Brandon pleaded. I nodded and we said goodbye. For some reason, Brandon gave me a hug. I think it was just cause I stood up for him. Doing nice things made me so happy.

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