Phoenix genes

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a daisy born from volcanic cores

removing the rusted shards
of regrets from my skin
and soaking the fading strokes
of purples and deep blues,

plucking the decayed rose stems
from my bones before
they find their ways
through my ribs and
poke my softening steel heart,

i diffuse
into the homogeneous potion
of liquid sapphire
and powdered platinum,

i dissolve
into the flavors of equanimity

i blend
into the essence of nightingale's
bedtime humming

i bathe
in the womb of mother nature

until i start dripping
the shimmering drops of cosmic dust

until i start radiating
the colours of distant planets
and stars burning in the flames
of heavy metallic light

until my palms start spreading
the perfumes of sun-kissed air
giving life to each deforming petal

until my hair become
an intricate linkage
adorned with ammonite pieces
having dandelions fixed
in their transparency

until i become a brewery named
a vestal element of nature

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