Chapter 8

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  I was standing there, looking for that voice.....When Medline knees me in the gut.
  "Don't lose focus~" Medline sang as she grabs my hair to stand me up.
  "Or I'll win!" Medline exclaims as she punched me in the face.
  I stumbled back and smiled as I hear music being played. Then I stood up straight.

   ( Play the video here. I do not own the song nor the video)
  "You're mine Medline." I said with a deadly calmness in my voice.
  "Yeah, right." Medline said full of pride.
  Then Medline starts charging at me, ready to punch me again. But I quickly picked her up, so she was upside down, and body slammed her to the ground.
  Medline groans and struggles to find her feet. And once she did find her feet, she throws a punch as my right side but I blocked her move. Medline did the same to my left. We did this pattern, right then left, for awhile. Until I found my opening and gave her a strong right hook. Which made her fall down flat on her ass.
  Medline then swiped my legs out from under me, making me fall down hard enough to make my had bounce off the floor.
  Before I knew it, Medline is on top of me, trying to choke me to death.
  I struggle under her grip on my throat. So I resorted to the possum move. I faked passing out.
  As I expected, Medline let go of my throat and started to get up. But then I swiped her feet and reversed our positions. As soon as I sat on top of Medline, I started punching her in the face repeatedly. I ended up breaking her nose and giving her a fat lip. Then I started choking her until she passes out. I know that she ain't smart enough to fake passing out, so I wasn't too worried.
  I then stood up straight.
  "Congratulations Madam Scorpion. You may take Medline and do as you wish." The voice said.
  "What was the bloody point of all this?" I asked a bit annoyed with all the men staring at all my curves.
  "That's obviously simple....." The voice started then paused.
  ".....for purely my entertainment. Think of it as payment for capturing Medline for you." The voice said smugly.
  I got very annoyed and irritated by his statement.
  "Fine....." I said all annoyed.
  Then I started to transfer Medline to a private studio.
Where Medline shall meet her fatal end.........

Secrets of an Assassin: ScorpionWhere stories live. Discover now