Chapter 14

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Sherry and I only had a couple more days stuck on desk duty before Monday would roll around and we would be allowed out again. Desk duty was proving to be a lot more fun than expected.
Teasing Sherry seemed to make the day pass a lot quicker. Especially as she gave as good as she got.
My leg was currently wrapped around hers under the desks as I leaned in laughing at something she had just said. Her eyes shone happily as she too laughed.
My phone buzzing interrupted us. I slipped the device out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. As soon as I saw his name on the screen, I excused myself from Sherry and walked out into the corridor.
"Jonny," I said upon picking up.
"I have some news," he said easily.
"What's going on?" I asked. However, in the back of my mind I knew I was doing the one thing Sherry made me promise I wouldn't. I was getting involved again.
"Evans and his guys are meeting next Thursday," Jonny explained before launching into the directions of the warehouse where the meeting was located. "They should be there at seven," he finished.
"So all I need to do is go there, find the guy, and this will all be over," I stated.
"You can't go in there alone," Jonny said sounding alarmed at my plan.
I quickly brushed over his concerns. "Of course not," I lied.
"Good, because you'll be outnumbered," he reminded me.
"Thanks Jonny," I said before hanging up. I guess that's how I would be spending my Thursday evening then. I had planned spending it in front of the TV, I guess catching bad guys was a little more important.
I was starting mentally planning how to go about finding this guy on Thursday as I walked back into the main office. Jonny was right, I would be severely outnumbered so would have to be careful. I couldn't have the events of the night Sherry rescued me happening again, she wouldn't be there to rescue me again. I would make sure of it this time. I wasn't putting her in danger again.
"Who was that?" Sherry's voice brought me back from my thoughts.
"Just my mum," I lied, my mind still focused on tonight. I couldn't figure out how I would get this guy alone, he might not even be there. Plus I was relying on my memory to pick him out. What happens if I don't recognise him? There were so many possible variables, my plan was far from foolproof.
Sherry looked at me sceptically but didn't question me any further. Somehow she always knew when I was being dishonest. This was something I needed to do. I needed closure and I would only get that through finding the man who killed Gus.
"Speaking of your mum, what did she say last night after I left?" Sherry looked intrigued as she rested her head on her hand and looked at me.
I felt myself burn red as I took the seat next to her and tried to focus on the sheets of paper in front of me. All I could I feel was Sherry's stare burning into the side of my face.
"Nothing much," I answered, still not looking at her.
"Really?" Sherry knew I was lying.
"You seemed nice." That was the truth, my mum had said that to me.
"Better," Sherry encouraged me to continue.
Sighing I turned to face her. "Don't get scared off alright?" I pleaded before I revealed what my mum had said to me countless times to my face and on the phone whenever she has met a girl that I could potentially date or have been dating.
"Do I look like I scare easy?" Sherry challenged. She didn't.
"Fine. Basically she just went on and on about me settling down with you and how we were perfect for each other, and our kids would be cute." I turned a darker and darker shade of red as I continued to speak. Sherry's smile just grew wider and wider. "As you can see she's gets a little carried away," I finished wanting to hide my face.
"That wasn't so bad now was it." Sherry laughed.
"It was pretty bad," I whined.
"Did she say anything else?" Sherry seemed to like hearing what my crazy mum had to say.
"Just that it-seems-like-I-really-like-you-because-I-don't-normally-cook-for-people-and-just-the-way-I-acted-around-you." I blurted out not taking a breath.
"Wait what?" Sherry frowned. She looked adorable.
Sighing I repeated myself. Damn this was embarrassing. "She said it seems that I really like you because I don't normally cool for people and just the way I act." I wished my cheeks would stop blushing. "It's true though," I continued. "I do really like you." My voice was low as I spoke, I didn't want anyone else to hear.
A tiny 'aw' escaped Sherry's lips as she grinned at me. Her hand grabbed mine under our desks.
"Just don't tell anyone how pathetic I sounded when I said that, it sounded better in my head," I grimaced.
"It was perfect," Sherry beamed. "And if we weren't in the office right now, I would kiss you," she added on in a soft whisper. We could change that though. Grinning cheekily I gestured for her to follow me out into the corridor and into one of the empty meeting rooms of to the side.
"Now we're in an empty room," I pointed out. Sherry just rolled her eyes with a laugh before she slowly wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.
I smiled against her lips as I moved my hands to her hips. I kissed her back hungrily, having wanted to do this all day.
The click of the door handle caused me to jump back. Leaning on the desk behind me, I cross my legs at the ankle, trying to look the picture of ease as I launched into rambling about one of our cases. Sherry casually swung her legs, sitting on one of the tables, as she nodded along.
The door swung open and James walked in. "Sorry guys we need this room for a meeting," he said without even giving the two of us a double take. We must have been doing some Oscar-worthy acting, that's for sure.
"No problem," I nodded wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Just as Sherry and I were gathering ourselves up, he spoke again. "What are you two doing in here anyway?" Sherry and I both froze and turned to look at him.
"Just wanted a change of scenery to think about this tricky case," Sherry said with an easy smile. I even almost believed her words. "Thought it might help us think of something," she continued with a shrug. So she could definitely win an Oscar.
"Get any further?" James asked.
"Nope," Sherry said with a laugh before leading the way to the exit.
"Why did you not become an actress?" I chuckled as we walked back into the main office.
"Because then I wouldn't get to kick bad guys butts everyday," Sherry said with a cheeky grin before plonking herself down at her desk.

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