Chapter Fourteen

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Elena's POV

I woke up and it was still raining.

I got dressed in a tight black tank top, a large cream sweater, dark blue skinny jeans, and my brown boots. I let my hair down and put my IPhone in my pocket.

I went downstairs and saw Leah and Seth at the table.

"Hey, guys." I said, a small smile on my lips.

"Lena, we have something to tell you-" Leah started to say.

"Leah, I already know."

"Know what?" Seth asked me, seeing if I actually knew.

"That you guys are werewolves. And so is Damon and Maggie. And I know that Bella, Edward, and his family are vampires. And that Renesmee is actually their daughter, not their adopted daughter." I said.

Both of their eyes widened.

"How did you find out?" Leah asked.

"No, the question is: 'Why did I have to?' You guys are my family, and you know that I always keep secrets, any kind of secrets, but after seeing that you wouldn't tell me, it makes me feel like you guys don't trust me." I said.

They looked ashamed of themselves.

"We wanted to." Seth said.

"We just didn't know how you react to it." Leah said.

I sighed.

"Guys, I love you. So, if you guys just told me about this, I would've been fine with it. It doesn't matter to me what you are, I love you guys and you're my family." I said.

"We won't keep any more secrets from you, we promise." Seth said.

I smiled.

"Good, otherwise I'd have to slap you guys." I said.

I made pancakes as they told me everything. About Bella's past, her and Edward's adventures along with a guy named Jacob, Seth imprinted on Renesmee, and the Voltori.

"I'll see you guys later, kay?" I said after we ate.

"Alright, see ya." they said.


I was sitting by Jenna at lunch when Maggie and Daniel came in from from doing who knows what.

"Lena, can I talk to you?" she asked me.

I nodded and we went out to the hall.

"Okay, so-"

"Maggie, it's okay. I already know." I interrupted her.

"You do?"

I nodded.


I told her about yesterday and what I saw and heard.

"So, you know everything then." she said.

"Yeah, have you told Daniel that you imprinted on him?"

"How did you know that I imprinted on him?"

"The way that you look at him. It's kinda like how Seth looks at Renesmee."

She smiled.

"Yeah, I told him."

"And he was fine with it?"

"Surprisingly, yeah."

"That's great!"

With that, we rejoined our friends and finished the school day.


Maggie and I started walking to the parking lot when I saw someone.

"I'm not going outside." I said to Maggie.

"Why not?" she asked before she looked outside. "Oh... Len, can't you give him a shot? He hurt to protect you."

"I know, but he didn't have to hurt me."

She sighed.

"Just give him a chance. He's your best friend, other than me, of course."

I sighed. I went outside to my car.

He was wearing a black shirt, khakis, and black running shoes. He was wet, but it didn't bother him.

"Elena, I-"

"Damon, before you say anything, I want to ask you something. Why did you have to hurt me?

You could have just told me. I already know everything, but you could have told me instead of hurting me. I told you that I neeed you, but you still hurt-"

I stopped talking because he kissed me.

Right before I finished my sentence, both of his hands cupped my face and he crashed his lips on mine.

I stood there, shocked as he kissed me. I didn't know that I was kinda kissing him back.

Stop! a voice in my head said.

It's not my fault that he's kissing me! said another.

I mean, stop kissing him and mentally talking to yourself!

Both of you shut up! a third voice said.

Damon pulled back a little and touched his forehead with mine.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"For kissing me or for hurting me?" I asked him.

"Hurting you. The kiss seemed the best way of apologizing."

"Well, whoever you get for an imprint, she's gonna forgive you no matter what you do."

"So, you forgive me?"

"Of course."

We hugged each other.

"Thank you so much, Elena!"

"No problem."

"Oh, by the way, you're a great kisser."

I laughed.

"You're not so bad yourself."

We pulled apart from each other.

"Well, I'm gonna go home, I'll see you later."

"Kay, thanks again for forgiving me, Lena."

"No problem, Damon."

I got in my car and drove home.

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