Chapter 30

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We get to the Cullens house and we walk through a trail.

Ten minutes or so, I decide how to get information out of Jacob.

"Hey, Jake." I say as I stop us in the middle of the trail.

"Yeah?" he asks.

"Could you, please, tell me what we're going to do?"

"Nice try, Len. But, no I will not."

"Oh, okay." I say, briefly looking at the floor then back at Jacob.

I tighten our intertwined fingers a little, step a little closer to Jake, and put my free hand on his chest. Instantly, I feel his heart thundering under my hand. I resist the urge to smirk.

It's working already. It's amazing how fast he reacts with one touch.

I look up at Jacob's face, eyes scanning his eyes then his lips, and back to his eyes.

"It's just, I would like to know what we're going to do, so I know that it would be more fun than this." I says as I purposely brush my lips against his.

Three...... Two............ One......... Go.

"Oh, alright." Jake starts to say, his eyes instinctively start to close before he deepens the almost kiss. "We're gonna play baseball with the Cullens, but if you-"

I pull away from Jacob, who was just about to kiss me, and smile.

"Thanks for telling me, Jacob." I say. "You're the best."

And with that, I walk the rest of the way to the clearing, leaving Jacob standing there, shocked.

I get to the clearing and all the Cullens, plus Seth, come up to me. They all look like they've been laughing.

"Great job, Lena." Bella says, giving me a hug.

I smile as I hug her back, then hug my other family members. Then, Seth comes up to me and hugs me.

"Seduction." he whispers in my ear. "Nice touch."

"Hey," I say, defensively. "All is fair in love and war. Even seduction."

"ELENA!!" yells a voice coming from the forest.

"Uh oh." Emmett smirks. "Lena's in trouble now."

"Yeah, right. I bet she'll be fine." Leah says.

"My money's on Lena." Alice agrees.

Never argue with the girl who can see the future.

Jacob storms up to me and I cross my arms, raise an eyebrow, and smirk.

"That was-"

"Awesome?" I interrupt. "Fantastic? Brilliant? Amazing?"

"CHEATING!" Jake shouts.

"Oh come on." I say, stepping closer to him and putting my hands on his chest, his anger seeps away at our touch. "You know you loved it."

He looks into my eyes, then... smiles. And wraps his arms around my torso, pulling me closer (if possible) to him.

"Yes, I did." he admits. "I just wish I could've kissed you sooner."

I smile, too. "I know. Maybe, after this, we can go somewhere, alone." I say.

"Sounds like a plan." Jake nods.

"Can we play now?" Emmett says, impatient.

The thunder starts to roll in. That's why.

"Yeah, we can." Jacob says before kissing the tip of my nose, giving me a little squeeze, and pulled away from me.

I go over to Esme, who gives me a warm (or a cold) hug. She smiles sweetly at me. She reminds me of my mother, Amy not Sue. Every one splits into teams.

Team 1: Carlisle, Emmet, Jasper, Rosalie, Leah, Quil, Brady, Colin, Paul, and Jared.

Team 2: Edward, Alice, Bella, Embry, Jacob, Isaac, Damon, Seth, and Sam.

Esme and I are the empires. Well, she's gonna catch while I call it out. But, I have a feeling that this is going to be fun.

And the game begins.

Edward's team is batting first. And Jacob's first batter. He steps up to the base and gives me a wink. I slightly blush, then Rosalie pitches. Jacob swings and the bat goes Crack!!!

The ball flies away and Emmett flashes out of sight to get it. But, Jake phases and runs third base before Emmett tries to Jake out.

I keep the cheering for my boyfriend inside, but I glance at Edward and he smiles and shakes his head, as if to say, "Kids......"

Next is Bella. She swings and Jacob makes the first point! And this goes on until they get three outs.

Then, it's Carlisle's team. Emmett is the first hitter. He hits, and I think he just broke the bat from the loud BANG! it gave.

Then, all of the sudden, Alice screams:


Everyone hears the panic in her voice and runs to her, instantly. Jacob runs to me and grabs my hand, a little scared (although he wouldn't admit it out loud) and worried.

"Who are they, Alice?" Edward asks her.

"I don't know! I've never seen them before." Alice says.

"Wait," Jake asks for those of us who don't read minds. "What's going on?"

Alice gives us the answer. "The vampires that have been in and out of Forks, they're here. Now."

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