only the beginning

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Caroline's Pov

Hearing her screams made me want to rip out Stefan and Damon's hearts.
I know they only wanted to help her with her humanity switch but it hurt.
Yes, she was a total raging bitch. But she was one of my best friends.

What really made me mad was when she said both my boyfriends skipped town. First of all, Klaus ran Tyler away. Second of all Klaus is not my boyfriend. He's a friend who happens to be a boy. Also how she said I want my perfect feathers ruffled. I won't deny I have very weird feelings for Klaus. Hate and love. But he is a horrible person. And me and Tyler are still something. I'm not even sure anymore. I wonder what he's doing in those mountains or more specifically who. Last time I saw him was less than a week ago but there was something off about him. Something off about the way he smelled. I could sense another wolf on him. A female wolf to be exact and I swear I've smelt that female smell before. I just didn't know who yet. Me and Matt enter the house and Rebekah stands facing away from us going through a take-out bag. She turns and smiles sweetly.
"I thought that since this is a vampire house that there would be no human food so I brought burgers." She says handing a box to matt.
"Oh, thanks Bekah you can go now," I said bitterly.
"Actually Caroline I'm here to help Matt study. Since he's failing his classes."
My head snaps to attention.
"Why didn't you tell me you were failing. I could have been your study buddy-. You know what no I'll head home and get my flash cards and we can help you." I say walking out the door and towards my car. I pick up the phone and dial Bonnie. We have a short conversation and I hang up to unlock my car but drop the keys. I squat to get them but hear a noise. I stand quickly up.

I twirl around when I hear a flash.
"Oh my god," I whisper.
"Hello, Caroline." He whispers back in his British accent. Klaus was back.

We walk together side by side in the woods.
"Everyone said that you were gone for good."
"It's true. But I never meant to go without saying goodbye."
I stop and he turns to look at me.
"You don't owe me an explanation. Your moving on by all means go." I say smiling. But also a bit sad.
He looks at me and tilts his head.
"Well, that's just it isn't it. I never had any intentions on moving on....." He stops for a second and looks directly into my eyes. Then he continues, "The truth is I've tried to stop thinking about you.... and I can't." I sigh and go to walk past him but he stops me by grabbing my wrist.
"Come to New Orleans." I grab my head and take 2 steps away and try to think. My heart beat extremely fast. How should I act? I had no desire to stay in Mystic Falls I loved my friends but that's all that was keeping me here. I mean for god's sake I turned my humanity off just like Elena but I was much worse. My friends are all here. I couldn't just leave them with Silas
"What are you afraid of." The words escaped his mouth and I knew just what to say.
"YOU. I'm afraid of you." I almost cry out.
He looks taken aback and angry.
"Wouldn't it be more accurate to say you're afraid of yourself." He says as he steps closer.
I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. But i knew exactly what he meant. I was afraid of myself. Of what I wanted. Of who I wanted. He continues.
"Your darkest desires." He keeps stepping closer. I did desire him. But I would never have him. I wouldn't allow myself.
"Elena was right wasn't she." I was now actually confused.
"Deep down you long to have your perfect feathers ruffled."
It all falls into place.
"How did you know what Elena said to me in that cell." He looks at me nonchalant then shoves me against a tree.
"Silas." I breathe out.
"Tell Bonnie to stop playing games with me or the next thing she knows all her friends will be DEAD. This is her warning." He growls. He grabs a stake and goes to dagger me. Next thing I know he's thrown off me. And a tall brown-haired man stands before me. He grabs my hand and whooshes us out of there and into the originals Mystic Falls home.
"Caroline so what kind of trouble do you have yourself in now." His British voice rings out as he looks around the house.
"Kol. Where have you been? I save your life then you disappear." I practically growl.
He stops and looks at me and smiles. God, I did miss him though. We weren't very close but he was always fun to hang out with. When he wasn't trying to kill Elena or Jeremy.
I smile back and a tear slips down my face. I quickly wipe it away. He flashes to me and hugs me.
"Thank you, Caroline, for saving my life."
"I only did it for Klaus. I owed him one." I mumble into his shirt.
"I'll take that. But now I saved you. Also, where is my family." He says pulling back and continues to look around.
"Rebekah at the Salvatore house. But Klaus and Elijah. They're..... they're in New Orleans."
"New Orleans why..." He says crossing his arms with a confused look on his face.
"I actually don't know...... Anyways but now is great timing for him to leave. You know because Silas is alive and attacking. We should have listened to you." I say sitting on the couch and looking down to the floor.
"Oh well thank you for admitting I was right and all of you were wrong. Anyways I better get going tell Bekah I said hi." I stand up before he flashes away and call out, "Wait."
"Where are you going," I say sadly.
"New Orleans. I'll be back shortly. Goodbye Caroline." With that, he was gone.

I texted everybody to meet at the Salvatore house. Some were reluctant but I pushed further and the budged. I sit in my car as I drive to their house. Why was Klaus in New Orleans now that I think of it. He's been in Mystic Falls for 2 years now. What could draw him to a whole different state? We should look into that.

I reach the front door and walk in hearing a bunch of arguing.
"Oh, Blondie may I ask why we all were told to meet here," Damon says sarcastically.
I look in front of me and see Damon, Stefan, Matt, Katherine, Bonnie, and Rebekah.
"Well, I had a little run-in with Silas." Bonnie immediately looks worried. What surprised me most is that Rebekah looked concerned.

"Are you okay." Stefan asks.
"Yes I'm fine but that's not all. He said he wanted Bonnie to stop hiding from him or next thing you know all your friends will be dead......" They all stay silent thinking really hard. So I continue.

"After that, he said that this is your warning and he went to dagger me and-"
"What. Did he hurt you? I will kill him. Are you okay." Bonnie said as she grabbed my shoulders and looked over my body.
"Yes but Kol came and saved me. He wanted me to tell Rebekah he said hi. He's going to New Orleans to see what Klaus is up to." They all nod as they listen to my story.
"Who did he look like when he came to you," Bonnie asks.
"Klaus. He came to me as Klaus." I explain.
Damon wiggles his eyebrows at me and Stefan smirks.
"Good work Blondie," Damon says winking at me now. Just then I notice Katherine gone.
"Where's Katherine." Everybody turns and looks for her.
"Why is she here anyway," I ask in confusion. Stefan looks at me worryingly.
"We brought her here to help turn Elena's humanity back on." He explains.
"WHAT. ARE YOU INSANE." I yell. Everybody steps back shocked.
"Katherine will kill Elena if she gets the chance you-."
"Calm down Barbie I didn't kill Elena. I just let her go I wanted to see how long she can last without everybody pining over her. But I better get going." Katherine said before she flashed away.
"I got a plan. Come on busboy." Damon growls as he grabs his jacket.
"I'm coming," I yell out.
"No your not me, Stefan, and matt are going," Damon says opening the front door.
I start to rant and someone comes up behind me and injects me with vervain. Everything goes black.

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