New Orleans

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We arrive at the Salvatore house where I texted everyone to meet up at.
"Why are we here Barbie," Damon calls out as soon as I enter the living room with Sophie. Then he adds.
"And whose your... Friend."
"This is Sophie." They all look at me confused.
"Where's Bonnie," I ask. Matt looks down at the floor. Stefan steps forward.
"Caroline... Bonnie's.... she's dead." My lungs felt like they collapsed. Tears streamed down my.
"How." I whimper.
Matt steps forward and begins to tell me the story.
"She's been dead since graduation." I cry out. Elena wraps her arms around me. We stood there for 10 minutes just hugging.
"Im not trying to me a dick. I started to like Bonnie but we really need to know why you called us here." Damon says sincerely rubbing my back.
"Okay... Okay, I understand." I say wiping the tears away.
"Well..." I stare at Sophie and she nods.
"Im..... Im pregnant." I breathe out with a small smile.
"Caroline. You know you're a vampire right. You can't procreate." Elena says with a gentle smile.
"Actually...... she can," Sophie says stepping forward. She jumps into the story telling them everything we know.
"I..... I don't know what to say." Elena murmers.
"Me neither." Everybody else says im unison.
"The only thing you need to know is that im fine. I'm happy even I never thought this would happen but it did. I'm going to New Orleans but I will come back." I reassure them.
"I... We all love you and hope everything's okay. Call us every day." Stefan says hugging me. Even though he lost his memory hes adjusted well to everything.
"I will and I love all of you too," I say leaning back and smiling.
"Oh, one more thing we left out. It's twins." Elena shrieks.
"Thank you."

Tears fall down my face as me and Sophie drive to the Airport.
I turn and look at her.
"Yeah." She says with a smile.
"Can we wait a few days before we tell Klaus I'm pregnant.... with his babies."
"Please only for a few days. I want him to know im not just gonna play mommy. He's left me multiple times before. I don't want him to think I'll just run back to him as soon as I get there. I want him to know what hes missing out on." She looked over at me and sighed.
"Fine ill block the heartbeats for a few days so no one can hear it but only for a week."
"Deal," I say smiling.

The plane ride was amazing. I've never flown before and it was magical. The clouds floating below us the bright blue sky. It filled me with joy.
Me and Sophie carry my bags to the hotel front entrance.
"You'll stay here for a week until we tell klaus about the baby. Be careful vampires are everywhere. Use this to contact me. Just touch it and say my name. I'll appear beside you and take down the person trying to hurt you." She says handing me a necklace. We go through the doors and I get settled in the hotel room.
"I have to go to the mikealsons residence. Your welcome to come if you'd like."
"No, I think I'll go explore the quarter. I want klaus to run into me. I don't want you to get in trouble for bringing me here."
"Are you sure." She says smiling.
"Yes now go," I say laughing.
"Fine be save." She hisses.

20 minutes after she leaves I finish setting everything up and head out. I flash the desk lady my killer smile and walk out into the cool air.

Sophies pov:

"Hayley needs better protection she's 5 months into her pregnancy," Elijah says as the whole family sits in the living room talking about her well being. I knew that hayley wasn't carrying klaus' baby but she had all these enemys now and I couldn't let her or a baby die.
"Im doing my best I have other people I need to protect too." I snap back.
"Whose more important than my child," Klaus growls. I bite my tongue. If he only knew.
"Your right. I'll put protection spells on her. I just need to do it in a place where magic can't be detected."
"Down stairs should be good," Elijah says leading me downstairs along with hayley.

I complete the spell and head back upstairs. I see kol and rebekah but no klaus.
"Wheres klaus," I say frantically.
"He went out," Kol says shrugging off my question. If he ran into Caroline thats how it would be. She said she didn't care if he saw her so.
"Well ill be leaving now keep an eye on her Elijah." He nodded and I headed out to wait for caroline at the hotel.

Carolines pov

The city was beautiful. I saw the Saint Louis cathedral, little voodoo shops, and so many stores.
I had bought a charm bracelet from one voodoo shop that was supposed to protect and keep you save.

Afterward, I saw a bar and I was dying for a drink but I couldn't get alcohol because I was PREGNANT. Gosh this was already getting annoying.
I walk in and see a blonde bartender cleaning the counter. I sit down and smile.
"What can I get you." I roll my eyes in my head what can I get at a bar.
"So Camille do you have any non-alcoholic drinks." She giggles and squits her eyes at me.
"We have lemonade and sweet tea."
"Sweet tea than." She winks at me and goes to get me some.
When she returns she hands me the drink and leans in.
"By the way call me cami." I smile.
"Okay..... Cami."
"So what brings you to the big easy."
"Well, first of all my names Caroline and I just had..... family here that's all."
"Well, Caroline how old are you." Oh, shit forgot about legal age but I am drinking sweet tea.
"Im 21 im in college now."

Soon were talking like old friends somehow the conversation turned to relationship stuff.
"Tell me all about him." I sqeal laughing.
"Well he's mysterious he has a lot of family issues. I like him because he's a challenge."
"I know what you mean. There's this guy and he makes me rethink everything."
"But god he has the sexiest british accent." I laugh.
"I've had my fair share of accents." She giggles.
"I'll be back I have to use the bathroom," I say standing up and heading towards the bathroom sign. I notice a light brown man watching me with a smirk.

Klaus pov:
I really needed a drink and I couldn't wait. Hayley was a pain in the ass. I walk through my favorite bars doors. I see one of my favorite blondes smile at me. Then I see my enemy look up at me and wave for me to come over. I growl and go his way.
"Niklaus where have you been buddy." He says obviously drunk.
"Around what do you want."
He motions for me to sit down.
"Do you see that blonde." I look up and meet Camille's eyes.
"Camille," I say. He laughs hysterically.
"No. That one." I look over and see the most beautiful girl in the world walk to Camille and sit down. The same girl I saw only yesterday but missed so much.
I smirk.

Caroline's Pov:

I walk over to cami and we engage in conversation again. In the middle of my sentence, somebody sits beside me and cami blushes like crazy.

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