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My head started to spin.
"I don't understand the babies made me a werewolf and im a vampire. How can they also be witches."
"The babies get their vampirism from you and klaus. They also get their werewolf gene from Klaus the question is who do they get their witch side from." The witch says thinking hard.
Rebekah, kol, Elijah, and klaus all share a look.
"What, what are you not telling me." I practically growl at them.
"Um care Esther was a witch so i think that was carried over to the babies." Kol says.
"Okay okay all I care about is the babies so please get them out.... alive."
She begins to say yes but klaus interrupts her.
"You will also do everything in your power to save Caroline. Do you understand."
"Okay I-."
"No Klaus if it comes down to it these babies go first." I say trying to stay calm. Rebekah, kol, and Elijah watch us from the other side of the room.
"Caroline i understand that but i will not let you die." He says holding my face. I push his hands away gently.
"From day 1 all you cared about was me putting these babies before you. For gods sake you tried to compel me to stop loving you so that I would love them more. Now that I'm trying to put them before myself you're getting mad." I say frustrated.
"Why are you so stubborn. You throw your life away like its nothing. You should want these babies to have a mother." He yells and i flinch.
"Of course i want these babies to know me to have a mom because i never had one. I grew up taking care of myself. So yes i want to raise these babies." I walk over to him and grab his hand and put my other on his face.
"But you have to promise me you will save these babies before me." He looks deep into my eyes and turns grabbing his jacket and opens the door slamming it before he leaves.

Tears fall from my eyes as i sit on the bed and crawl up on my side. I face the wall praying he would understand if it came down to me or the babies.
"Carol-." Elijah tries to say.
"Please everybody get out." I cry out.
"Its gonna be okay." Rebekah tries to assure me.
"GO." I hear them all slowly file out. I know they still watched from the window that stretched across one of the walls.
My eyes fall heavy and i slowly fall asleep.

Rebekahs pov

"Nik get your ass here Caroline won't let anyone in her room. Your acting a fool." I yell into the phone before hanging up.
"Is he answering." Lijah asks.
"No all I get is voice mail." I close my eyes and try to calm down.
"Im gonna go in there the babies should be ready in the next few hours." Sophie says as she walks in the room. I eye the witch from earlier named Kaitlyn. Not for 1 second did i trust her. The rest of the witches soon arrived and we waited.

Klaus' pov

I couldn't see her die. I loved her too much to see it happen. There was a big chance she wouldn't die but if she did my whole world would shatter.
"Klaus what can i get you. Long time no see." Camille says with an elegant smile.
"A bottle of bourbon." She hands me it and says.
"Been a long day." I gulp down the bottle and order another one.
"You can say that. How's Marcel." She blushes. I start to get dizzy.
"Everythings great but thinking about it where's Caroline." I take a long gulp.
"At the hospital having my babies." I whisper putting a finger against my lips.
"Shhhh don't tell." She looks around the bar and it was empty so she locks the doors.
"What do you mean. Why arnt you with her." She yells.
"Hey, hey she wants to act like her life doesn't matter so im drinking." She smiles slightly and sits next to me.
"You care about her don't you." She says holding my hand.
"Of course i do shes carrying my babies."
"No you care about her because your in love with her." I start laughing like a mad man.
"Me and Caroline haven't been anything in months so Camille your wrong."
"Okay klaus but trust me in the morning you're gonna regret not being with her." She says standing and patting my back before leaving.
I sigh heavely before throwing my glass at the wall. God why of all people did Caroline Forbes have to carry my kids. I wish it was someone i didn't care about. I start to tear apart the bar in frustration.

Carolines pov

It hurt so badly the pain was unbearable. The worst physical pain I've ever felt for sure.
"Caroline you have to push." Sophie yells as all the witches join hands ready to chant.
"I can't he's not here yet." I yell trying to keep myself from turning.
"Caroline its now or never. Either you push or these babies will die." I growl as i turn on my back.
Just as i go to pull my legs up the door busts open.
"MOM." I cry out.
"Baby we're all here. Elena, Matt, Bonnie, Damon, Stefan. Were all here for you." Tears stream down my face.
"Mommy i cant believe your here."
"Well i am. Now it's time to have some babies." I look out the window to my right and everybody stands there.
A huge smile spreads across my face.
"Okay baby listen to the nurse." I laugh. She stands at my head and i grab her hand.
I go to push when Sophie calls out but the door opens agian.
"Im here okay im here." He whispers kissing my head and taking my mom's place.
"Thank you." I say tears falling again.
"Are you sure honey. I can stay." I smile up at her.
"Im sure all i need is him." She smiles before walking out.
"Why did you come back." I whisper as he holds my hand.
"I realized something and i knew i needed to be here that's all love." Klaus says and i smile.
"Are you ready now." Sophie asks as she shuts the curtain to the window I nod. The witches join hands agian and chant.
"Push." She screams and i do as she says.

1 hour later

I twist and turn in pain. My grip tightened on klaus' hand.
"Caroline your almost there." Kaitlyn says which just annoys my even more.
"You said that hours ago." I groan.
I close my eyes and block out everything. My mind wonders thinking of memories.
From when i first met Klaus to when we had sex to my first few days in New Orleans.

From when i first met Klaus to when we had sex to my first few days in New Orleans

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I see Sophie screaming for me to push but i just couldn't. Picture after picture of Klaus flash through my head. My family and friends laughing, crying, smiling. Is this what being happy actually feels like. Seeing everything that makes you happy. Kol saying goodbye, bonnie crying, elena smiling, Elijah wrapping me in his arms, rebekah holding julian, damon smirking, Stefan holding me as i cry, Clair laughing with me, julian giggling in my arms, Hayely laying dead on a bed, Matt working tables as he smiles over at me, Jeremy holding a crying Elena, my mom looking up from a desk of papers, and klaus sitting at a bar with kol as i shut him down and he follows me out the mystic grill. But all those memories weren't happy. They were people and things that changed my life dramatically.
"Caroline you need to stay with me. Please, please push for our babies." Klaus whispers into my ear. I flutter my eyes open and notice he wasn't whispering he was yelling. Elijah and kol drag Klaus away.
"Wait come back." I groan. They drag him out of the room. I look down and Sophie cuts into my stomach crying.
I wince as she cuts but i dont feel anything. I slowly rise but my body doesn't follow. I lay on the table unconscious.
I look out the window and now see how the curtain was no longer covering the window but thrown on the floor in a rush. I watch as klaus throws Elijah and Kol off him and runs back in the room raising my head slightly as he bites into his arm feeding me his blood. Tears fall from his eyes as i don't respond.
Cries erupt through out the room and my head snaps to attention a beautiful baby girl cries out her little arms wiggling as she pries her eyes open. Sophie quickly cleans her off and wraps her up. Striking blue eyes stare at klaus as Sophie hands her to him. He stares down at her with love I've never seen before. Instantly in that moment i knew i would be there for them no matter what. I close my eyes and focus. I would come back i wasn't dead i couldn't be.

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