the mystery girl

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I griped the baby tighter scared I'd drop him from the shaking. I cover her up with one hand and grab the note as i slowly walk out of the room. I was covered in blood. Hayley's blood i held back a sob. I walk down the stairs and into the living room.
Klaus and Kol sat there talking and laughing.

Their heads snap to me and their eyes widen.
My knees buckle and Kol grabs the baby while Klaus grabs me and sits me on the couch. My hands feel empty. Kol obviously notices so he sets Julian in my arms.
"What happened Caroline," Klaus asks I look into his eyes and shake my head.
I hand him Julian as I flash to the kitchen and throw up.
"Bloody hell Caroline are you okay," Rebekah asks coming in the kitchen along with everyone else. She then adds.
"I delivered a baby it's not that bad." I turn to her and hug her as I start sobbing.

Klaus pov

I hold the infant as I watch Caroline sob into Rebekah's shoulder. She was in shock.
"Where's Hayley," Elijah asks after 10 minutes. She seemed to have calmed down a bit.
"Sh- e left.... a- a note." She hands Elijah it and he reads out loud.
Hayleys note:

Dear mikealsons and soon to be mikealsons,

I made Caroline do this. Elijah, I know you will be deeply angry with her but remember I asked her too.
I fell in love with all of you. Even the insane original hybrid.
I know you have a soft loving spot in you. Take care of Caroline and those beautiful babies.
Please know the reason I did this is for my beautiful baby. I want him or her to see the world. Have amazing memories and experiences. Have amazing uncles and aunts.
If the baby is a boy name him Julian Eli Marshall.
For a girl name her Hope Lillian Marshall.
Tell them great stories of their mama Hayley. How I loved them no matter what and sacrificed myself not because I didn't love them but because I did more than words can describe.
Also, tell them stories of their soon to be best friends currently in Caroline.
Tell them i LOVED them so much.
(Them as in referring to boy or girl.)
Now the most important thing.
It would mean the world to me if Elijah, you and Rebekah raised the baby. I know you hated my guts beks but i could see how good of a mother you would be. You deserve it. Elijah, I know you will raise my baby right. You are everything I hope my baby will turn out like. Noble, loyal, loving. Please forgive me. Kol I know you will be a great uncle. You're funny and stubborn. But you will always be there just like you were for Caroline.
Klaus, we've been through a lot. Expecting a baby to almost killing each other to becoming friends and you my protector even after you found out the baby wasn't yours.
Caroline, you were nice to me even after I stole your boyfriend and slept with Klaus. Even though we weren't the best of friends you got what I was going through. And for everything you've all done-

Thank you so very much always and forever

Caroline's Pov
They all stood there shocked as I now hold Julian. Rebekah cried as she looked down.
"Please excuse me," Elijah calls out as he flashes upstairs to see Hayley.

2 weeks later

We had a beautiful funeral for Hayley a few days after her death. We all walked up and down the streets along with a bunch of other people carrying her to the bayou to bury her.

We all were slowly getting back to normal but it was hard. We were all sitting in the living room beside Elijah and Klaus because they were working on Julian's baby room.
Me, Kol, and Rebekah tickled the baby and he laughed just like Hayley which warmed my heart. Rebekah was instantly connected to Julian but she understood he was Hayley's baby but she would be his guardian now.
Just then my phone starts ringing.
"Caroline its mommy listen somebody's about to come to your house. I am so sorry I didn't tell you." She rushed out.
"Mom what do you mean."
"You know that girl we used to visit Clair." I think really hard and say.
"Yes, the one with the accent. What about her." She sighs.
"Her name is Clair Harper... Forbes." I gasp.
"Mom what are you saying," I growl.
"She's your sister your grandparents adopted her because I couldn't take care of her. She's 3 years older than you."
"MOM how could you. I have a 21-year-old sister I never knew about."
"Yes, but you needed to know."
"Does she hate me I mean we were best friends when we were younger. No wonder we stopped hanging out. Mom I cried for weeks."
"I know I'm so sorry I already talked to her and she's forgiven me and really wants to see you again." A knock on the front door interrupts us.
"I have to go we'll talk about this later." I hang up and everybody stands in the living room and heard my conversation.
I smile and go to answer the door. I open it and my eyes go wide.

 I open it and my eyes go wide

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She wraps me up in a hug.
"Caroline you look amazing and you're pregnant." My mouth hangs agape.
"You look different," I mumble remembering how she used to be chunk when we were little.
"Well, I started eating healthy anyway your beautiful. I'm hideous compared to you." She says in her Australian accent.
I scoff.
Just then Kol swoops in.
"Nice to meet you... Clair is it." He says kissing her hand.
She laughs.
"You're not really my type." She says sliding her hand away. He makes a shocked face at getting rejected. We all burst out into laughter.
She looks past Kol and smiles at Rebekah.
"Anyways this is Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and Klaus." She bites her lips on Klaus.
I notice and squint my eyes at her.
"Which ones the baby daddy mom told me the whole pregnancy story." I gulp.
"The whole story," I say nervously.
She walks to the drinks and pours some bourbon.
"Every last bit. From the supernatural beings to the supernatural creation of those two little ones."
"You're not scared." She laughs.
"Caroline I've known you were my sister for 4 years now I just never got the nerve to talk to you. But no I'm not scared..... Can't you feel it." I look around the room and rest my eyes on Klaus.
"Love she's a witch." I gasp and stare at her. She holds her hands up.
"Don't know how but I am. It doesn't run in our family. And one more thing your accents are delicious." She says smirking.
I laugh but tense as she stares at Klaus.
"Hey you remember those rules me and you made up when we were little." She smiles.
"Yeah, every last one." She says sipping her bourbon.
"Number 5," I growl. Everybody watches us confused.
She smirks.
"May I inform you all that I am not attracted to... how do I say this... men." Kol spits out his drink.
"This isn't far your so hot. And you waste yourself on other hot women." She smirks.
"I've never been impressed by a man... yet." He smirks.
"Eww okay that's enough you two can flirt anywhere else but in front of me." They all laugh.
She eyes the baby.
"Two questions whose the baby and my earlier question baby daddy who is it."
I tell her the main parts of the Hayley story. She looks down saddened.
"But the dad is him." I point at Klaus and he smirks as I stare a little too long.
"He's cute but I like brunettes more." I furrow my eyebrows.
"So are you saying Kol and Elijah are cuter than him," I say folding my arms.
Klaus laughs at me.
"Ohhh. That hit a sensitive spot." She says sipping her bourbon. I laugh.
"I'm sorry the babies have me going all crazy."
"Uh huh I'm sure of it. Anyways I think the hottest one in here is me and the cutest is you. You look adorable with that baby bump." I smile.
"I need to marry you right now. She's like the girl version of me." Kol calls out staring in amazement at her.
"Anyway.... how about a girls night."
"Sounds great," Rebekah says smiling at Clair.
As we walk upstairs beks whispers in my ear.
"I like her she might stick around."

I stop on the last step and call out.
"Kol go and get us some snacks."
He laughs.
"I swear if you don't ill stick a dagger so far up your-."
"Fine.... fine I'm going." I smile and run into Rebekah's room to watch the Titanic.


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